MainFor a ReaderReading rooms Documents of international organizations reading room

Documents of international organizations reading room


General information

The 2nd floor, room 207a

The reading room provides services to all readers. Documents from the reading room’s stock are provided by request.

The total number of reader’s working places – 34, including 6 computers to work with electronic information resources, 3 of which have the Internet connection.

The deposit collection of the reading room contains more than 179,683 items in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages. Documents are provided by request.

The deposit collection consists of the open and the closed sections. Documents of the UN governing bodies the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and also documents of specialized institutions and independent organizations within the UN System are on open access:

The open section of the reading room also includes documents and papers of other international organizations, such as the Council of Europe, the European Union (EU), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) etc.

The book collection of the reading room includes 5,849 items. Monthly the reading room acquires about thirty new editions: official reports, international papers and reviews of the UN and other international organizations, scientific papers of the international organizations concerning the urgent issues of the world development, project documentation of the international organizations in the Republic of Belarus, international legal documents (declarations, conventions, resolutions), encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books.

The collection of periodicals includes over 1,080 items.

The list of periodicals available in the Documents of International Organizations Reading Room.

The closed section of the deposit collection provides access to mimeographed papers of the UN and the OSCE: original working documents of their structural divisions (principal bodies, councils, committees, commissions, etc.), allowing to learn the most relevant publications released by the UN and the OSCE.

The collection of mimeographed papers includes over 172,700 items.

New arrivals of the Documents of international organizations reading room.

Documents from the deposit collection can be used in the reading room only. Order of documents from the library’s department store to the reading room is not made.

Electronic information resources

The reading room provides access to the electronic information resources:

The access to the virtual center of the international organizations’ activity "Public Information" is provided.

Additional opportunities:

Additional services:

  • photocopying of fragments of printed publications;
  • scanning of fragments of printed publications;
  • copying of data to the user’s electronic carrier;
  • printing of electronic data.

The work time of the reading room corresponds to the work time of the Library.


The bibliographer on duty
Теl. (+375 17) 293 27 34 (internal number: 77 34)

Head of the documents of international organizations section
Теl. (+375 17) 293 27 26 (internal number: 77 26)

Head of the Official Documents Department
Теl. (+375 17) 293 28 68 (internal number: 78 68)