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UNIDO: 45 years of development and cooperation

UNIDO: 45 years of development and cooperation
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From 5 January to 1 February, a book exhibition “UNIDO: 45 years of development and cooperation” , devoted to the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), runs in the Documents of International Organizations Reading Room (room 207g).

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) was established on 17 November1966 by the decision of the UN General Assembly (the resolution 21/52 (XXI)).

Understanding that industry plays the main role in maintenance of economic development and common weal, the Assembly made UNIDO the role of the central coordinating body in the field of industrial activity in UN. The organization also must fulfill a task in promoting industrial development and international industrial cooperation at global, regional and national levels.

In 1985 UNIDO became the 16th special organization of the United Nations Organization. In cooperation with 174 states-members and based on more than 40-years experience, the organization has a unique opportunity to give universal and complex service package, combining efficient activity with analytical and normative role both on global and local levels.

The main goals of UNIDO is assistance to industrial growth and technological progress, the most effective utilization of human resources, fair development on the basis of industrialization, industrial development and preservation of environment, international cooperation in the field of industrial investments and technologies.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization work in three basic forms. UNIDO works as a coordinating center on industrial technologies, serves as a mediation in the sphere of industrial cooperation and collects and systematize information on industrial questions.

The Republic of Belarus is a member of UNIDO since 1985. Interaction with UNIDO is directed on the decision of national political and economic tasks.

Within the framework of political tasks the Republic of Belarus participates actively in the work of the main things and working bodies UNIDO – General Conference, Industrial Development Board and Programme and Budget Committee. Within the framework of economic tasks Belarus is directed on the performance of projects of the international technical assistance and expansion of program activity of the organization in the country.

The most successful is the project “Development of infrastructure of support of innovative activity in the Republic of Belarus” which was realized in 2001–2004. As a result of the realization of the project the support infrastructure of innovative activity and a transfer of technologies in Belarus are considerably improved. In 2006–2009 in Belarus the UNIDO project “Strengthening the National System for Technology Transfer in the Republic of Belarus on the Basis of Information and Communication Technologies” was realized. The main aim of the project is to development the national system of a transfer of technologies, development of legal environment, introduction of information and communication technologies, development of an infrastructure of innovative business.

The exhibition offered to readers more than 60 documents. The most part of the exposition contains the UNIDO documents in Russian and English languages: books, periodicals, mimeograph materials of UN, brochures, booklets.

The exposition includes following sections:

  • History of creation, goals and functions of UNIDO;
  • The basic directions of UNIDO activity;
  • UNIDO and international industrial cooperation;
  • UNIDO activity in the Republic of Belarus.

The exhibition will be interesting to students, undergraduate, teachers of economic disciplines, political and public figures, experts in the field of industrial production and economic, international law, world politics and international relations.

Useful references:

The basic documents:

Rules of procedure


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders