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Congratulations to Tamara Popova on her 85th birthday!

Congratulations to Tamara Popova on her 85th birthday!
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Tamara Popova was born in the village of Kosichi, Bykhovsky district, Mogilev region.

After graduating from the 8th grade of Glukhskaya secondary school, the girl entered the Minsk library technical school named after A.S. Pushkin (now Mogilev State College of Arts). When she finished her studies in 1955, she had been sent to the Stolinsky district of the Brest region as head of the Vidibor rural library.

Tamara Popova had worked in the library of the Slepyansky garrison house of officers since 1956 and for the following eleven years and after she had headed its work since 1959. In the same period, she graduated from the correspondence department of the Library faculty of the Minsk state pedagogical institute named after A.M. Gorky (now the Belarusian state pedagogical university named after M. Tank), received a diploma of librarian–bibliographer.

Tamara Popova went to the place of her husband's service on the island of Sakhalin in 1967. She worked as a bibliographer in the Sakhalin Regional Library, headed the library of the military unit, as well as the Okhotsk rural library of the Sakhalin region.

She returned to Minsk in 1973 and in September was assigned to the staff of the V.I. Lenin State library of the BSSR (now the National library of Belarus) as a senior librarian of the Scientific and methodological department.


Tamara is the third from the left in the first row

From the materials of the personal file of that period: "... Detailed knowledge of the work of various types of libraries, good theoretical knowledge helped her very quickly master the skills of methodical work and competently compile instructional materials. Her reports made at seminars of library workers received good reviews [...]. She is entrusted with one of the most important areas of work – promotion of socio–political literature and work with regional libraries of the republic".

The manuals and instructional guidelines developed by Tamara Popova "The Political book and communist education of working people", "Participation of libraries in the development of the spiritual needs of Soviet people", "For the effectiveness of the ideological work of libraries", "Propaganda of literature about the Soviet way of Life", "60 Years on the Leninist Path", etc. were recognized among practitioners and theorists of the librarianship and were widely used in the work of libraries of the republic.


Tamara Popova was promoted to the role of deputy director for scientific work in August 1980 following seven years of excellent professional performance. She headed the organization of research, methodological, bibliographic, local history and publishing activities in the library.

According to Popova’s characteristics as of 1980, Popova fulfilled responsible assignments related to the check and assistance in the work of cultural institutions of the republic, given by the Department of Culture of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR, the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the BSSR. She was a very purposeful and organized employee, and had a creative approach to solving issues related to library work and cultural construction in general.


Tamara Popova is the second from the right

Papova_T-4.jpgSkillfully combining the practical activities of the supervisor and scientific work, Tamara Popova took a direct part in the development of the research topics and the step-by-step process of their implementation. 

The methodological recommendations "Social research in the libraries" were published, one of the compilers of which she became in 1999. 

Tamara Popova regularly made presentations at all-Union, republican and regional conferences, seminars of library workers. Fruitfully engaged in methodological activities, provided consulting assistance to librarians of the country, carried out work on training and education of young specialists in the library. 

A hardworking, competent specialist, responsible and fair manager, able to quickly solve production issues, Tamara Popova has earned respect and authority in the library staff, as well as among colleagues throughout the republic.

In addition to her professional activities, over the years she has carried out extensive public work, was repeatedly elected secretary of a party organization, was a political speaker, member of the party bureau, deputy secretary and secretary of the party bureau.


Tamara Popova with Tamara Radevich, 2017

Tamara Popova's professionalism was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor" (1970), the badge "For Excellent Work" of the USSR Ministry of Culture (1978), and the Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR (1982).


Tamara is the second from the right, 2017 

Tamara Popova joined the staff of the Ministry of Culture of the BSSR in January 1984.

The sweetest and most heartfelt congratulations on a lovely date go out to Tamara Popova on behalf of the entire staff of the National Library of Belarus! We  send you our best wishes for health, longevity, wealth, and joy! Let your days be filled with warmth, happiness, smiles, and the attention of your loved ones.

The article was provided by Irina Kuketa, Chief Librarian of the Library Research Department.


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders