MainNewsPortraits: the history of the library in person
Elena Kosinskaya, a highly qualified librarian and outstanding bibliographer, began her career at the National Library 50 years ago
Happy 85th birthday to Valentina Korneevna Zhak, a longtime employee of the National Library of Belarus

Congratulations to Lyudmila Ivanovna Stankevich, a veteran of the National Library of Belarus, on her 75th birthday!

Congratulations to Lyudmila Ivanovna Stankevich, a veteran of the National Library of Belarus, on her 75th birthday!
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Lyudmila Ivanovna was born in 1947 in the city of Legnica (Poland) in the family of a military man. When she finished secondary polytechnic school with industrial training No 23 in Minsk in 1966, the girl had entered the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky (now the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank), the library faculty. When she graduated in 1970, she had received a diploma as a highly qualified librarian-bibliographer.

Lyudmila Ivanovna's first and only job was at the V.I. Lenin State Library of the BSSR (now the National Library of Belarus), where she was accepted in August 1970 as a librarian in the service department. Having established herself well, in 1972 L.I. Stankevich became a senior librarian of the scientific and methodological department. She had been transferred to the position of senior editor of the research department after three years, and as chief librarian two years later.

Far right

Lyudmila Ivanovna studied the history of librarianship in Belarus based on the state archives' collections. She was the responsible compiler of two collections – "Librarianship in the BSSR: Documents and Materials. 1918–1941" (1978) and "Librarianship in the BSSR: documents and Materials. 1941–1958" (1984), which became the source base for research on the history of the country's library industry.


The experience of working with archival documents allowed Lyudmila Ivanovna in 1985 to move to the position of chief bibliographer in the department of rare and early printed books (the Bibliology research department since 2005). She has worked in the Stocks arrangement and scientific processing section, as well as in Museum activity section for more than 20 years.

Tatyana Ivanovna Roshchina, head of the department, wrote about her desire and desire to bring maximum benefits in the workplace in her submission to the qualification commission: "L.I. Stankevich successfully combines personal integrity, scrupulousnessе, slowness, thoroughness with professional requirements for working with archival documents, where special care, attention, and consideration of all details are needed. She knows her job perfectly, which allows her to manage a diverse team, compilers of collections of documents from other departments – archives, the Institute of Culture, the Institute of History of the Belarussian communist’ party competently. Knows how to convincingly defend their positions when working with editorial staff".

Lyudmila Ivanovna second from the left

Lyudmila Ivanovna devoted almost half a century to the preservation and research of the book and manuscript heritage of Belarus. She has formed personal archival funds of scientists and cultural figures of the republic, studied Slavic-Russian manuscripts of the 16th-20th centuries, singing hook old believer manuscripts of the 17th-20th centuries.

Based on the collections of the National Library of Belarus and the Gomel Regional Library, L.I. Stankevich has prepared a catalog "East Manuscripts (Arabic, Persian, Turkish) of the 14th-19th centuries".

Lyudmila Ivanovna in the center

All the works of Lyudmila Ivanovna are distinguished by high professionalism, exceptional quality and scientific verification of the results. L.I. Stankevich shared her best practices and the results of her research in the professional press, and made numerous presentations related to Bibliology, and reported at scientific and practical conferences.


Manuscripts and archival documents received in the stocks of the National Library were thoroughly examined by Lyudmila Ivanovna. Hardworking, proactive, accurate and responsible L.I. Stankevich earned the respect of colleagues and employees of scientific libraries of the republic, enjoyed well-deserved authority among them.


She had worked as a bibliographer in the Document Indexing department for the past five years.

Lyudmila Ivanovna's professionalism was recognized with a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Culture of the BSSR, a Certificate of Honor from the National Library of Belarus, a Certificate of Honor from the Belarusian Republican Trade Union Committee, and a number of Merit Certificates from the library administration.

In 2016, L.I. Stankevich went on a well-deserved rest.


The staff of the National Library of Belarus congratulates Lyudmila Ivanovna on her anniversary and sincerely wishes her good health for many years to come, well-being and good spirits, love and attention of her family and friends.

The article is provided by Natalia Korneychuk, the chief librarian of the Library Science Department.

Read about veterans and employees of the National Library of Belarus in the section "Portraits: the history of the library in faces".


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders