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The quest tour "The road of the Great Victory"

Republican Pioneer Rally "BRPO – territory of opportunities"

Republican Pioneer Rally "BRPO – territory of opportunities"
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On May 16, 2024, the National Library of Belarus hosted the festive opening of the Republican Pioneer Rally "BRPO – territory of opportunities" at the National Library on the eve of Pioneer Friendship Day.

The Republican Pioneer Rally of the NGO "BRPO" is a unique opportunity for children to express themselves, find new friends and be inspired to great achievements.

Anna Karanevskaya, Deputy Head of the Department of Public Communications of the Main Directorate of Information Policy and Social Development, and Kristina Soroka, leader of the Pioneers of Belarus, made welcoming speaches at the opening.


The pioneer meeting brought together the most initiative and active participants of the BRPO children's self-government –activists of Children's Wards. The Meeting was also attended by guests from the All-Russian public-state movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First".

The program of the first day of the Rally included motivational meetings with leaders of public organizations, thematic workshops on leadership development, business games and project sessions.

The ceremony of awarding the winners of the Republican patriotic project of pioneer assignments "We preserve and create" took place at the meeting.

As part of the event, a quest game "BRPO - territory of leaders" was held at the library with 11 interactive locations equipped with a variety of VR games. The guys learned the secrets of neural networks at the point "The future in neural networks", became participants in a scientific show at the BRPO Laboratory, and revealed their leadership potential at the “territory of leaders”.

Today's event is significant not only for modern children and teenagers who wear pioneer ties on their chests, but also for many generations of adults for whom the pioneer organization has become a school of civic formation.

The Belarusian Pioneer Organization today is the territory of childhood, which unites bright, active and talented children, teachers with burning hearts!

The material was provided by the Public Relations Department.


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National Library of Belarus News

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June 3–9, 1944. 13 weeks before Liberation

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Book exhibitions