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Novogrudok antiquity

Novogrudok antiquity
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On February, 25th, the National Library hosted a round table “Novogrudok antiquity” timed to the 60th birth anniversary of know researcher of Belarusian history and book culture N. Nikolaev, and also to the publication of his new book.

The event was dedicated to the past of Novogrudok as one of the most ancient cities and important historical centers of Belarus, and also to the Novogrudok region as one of significant regions of Belarus and their comprehension in the all-European historical and cultural context.

Bibliographers, historians, philologists, culture experts, museum workers and regional specialists took part in the session. The event united scientists studying the history of Novogrudok region who had an opportunity to share results of their researches and to hold a vivid discussion.

Nicolay Nikolaev, Doctor of Philology and head of the rare book department at the Russian National Library was a guest of honor at the event. The unique expert on Belarusian book culture celebrates this month his 60th anniversary. He took part in a number of international scientific projects including those in cooperation with the National Library of Belarus. As a result, a study and bibliographic and virtual reconstruction of valuable book monuments and book collections of Belarus were carried out.

Nicolay Nikolaev is the author of numerous monographs on Belarusian book culture. Within the bounds of the round table, his new book dedicated to the Icon of the Virgin Mary of Novogrudok, the historical monument of the XVII century (St.-Petersburg, 2015) was presented. The book contains a facsimile copy of the original appeared in 1673 and its translation into the modern Belarusian language. Besides the texts of this rarest book the edition includes a historical essay about the destiny of the icon which was lost a long time ago, and the Jesuits of Novogrudok who owned the icon.

Director of the National Library Roman Motulsky emphasized the importance of the event and said the Library was always ready to be a platform for scientific projects and discussions. He congratulated N. Nikolaev on the anniversary and presented him the Certificate of Honor of the National Library of Belarus.

At the event spoke: deputy director for research work and publishing activity of the National Library of Belarus Alexander Susha, deputy director for research work of the Brest Regional Library named after M.Gorky Alla Myasnyankina, pro-rector for research work of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts Victor Yazykovich, executive director for foreign broadcast of the Belarusian radio Naum Galperovich, head of the old printed and rare editions department of the President’s Library of the Republic of Belarus Valery Gerasimov, Ass. Prof. of the chair of the history of Belarusian literature of the Belarusian State University Vladimir Korotky, Ass. Prof. of the chair of the theory and history of information and document communications of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts Larissa Dovnar and others.

At the event the writing team presented a fundamental edition The History of Novogrudok – from the depths of centuries to present day (Minsk, 2014) timed to the 970th anniversary of the first mentioning of the city in chronicles. The book presents a generalized history of Novogrudok on the basis of the richest documentary material from both domestic and foreign archives.

Lecturers: deputy director for research work of the Institute of History at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vadim Laliza, head of the source study and archaeography department of the Institute of History at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexander Dovnar, senior researcher of the same department Alexander Zhlutka, senior researcher of the medieval history and modern age of Belarus department of the Institute of History at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Andrey Matsuk, senior professor of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Andrey Rodoman, director of Adam Mickiewicz’s Museum Nicolay Gayba, director of the Novogrudok Museum of Local Lore Tamara Vershitskaya and others.

Within the bounds of the round table, the perspectives of the development of Novogrudok and the study of its past were discussed.

Photo by Georgy Lihtarovich and Julia Rai.


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders