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Museum Classes “Book Frames”

Museum Classes "Johannes Gutenberg"

Museum Classes "Johannes Gutenberg"
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In February the Book Museum organized classes "Johannes Gutenberg" within the project "Book Professors’ Club", dedicated to the invention of printing in Europe and the German book printer’s activities.

The participants of the meeting discussed about what the book printing has contributed to humanity and why the invention of the seal is one of the most important in civilization development. In Europe, the Middle Ages books were copied by hand, usually in abbeys. Often the copyists spent years on one book. In the German city of Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg invented the technique of printing with moving letters. A technical foundation was laid for future changes in the field of culture and science. During the museum classes the children not only learned what literals are, but they also managed to stay in the role of text-typing.

Young "professors" learned also what are incunabula, initials and fonts. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, printers made many printed fonts, which became the basis for modern ones. In the game form, children have learned to see the variety of fonts.

They learned about the beginning of European book printing through dialogue, games and creative tasks.


Adam Shanyavsky and the library fund of the Nesvizh county school (the last quarter of the XVIII century)

25 Apr 2024

On April 24, 2024, at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rumyantsev Readings-2024" in Moscow, Olga Polunchenko, chief bibliographer of the Department of reference and Information Services, presented a report "The role of Adam Shanyavsky in organizing the library fund of the Nesvizh County School (the last quarter of the XVIII century)."

National Library of Belarus News