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Everyone is different, everyone is unique

Everyone is different, everyone is unique
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From May 14th to June 9th, a book exhibition “Everyone is different, everyone is unique” timed to the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development runs in the Documents of international organizations reading room (207g).

This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on 20 December, 2002, (resolution A/RES/57/249) иin since 2003 it has been observed annually on May 21st.

The resolution postulates a fair exchange and dialogue between civilizations and cultures on the basis of mutual understanding, respect and equal advantage of all cultures as a necessary condition for the achievement of social unity and peace between peoples.

The cultural diversity is the most valuable active which is an indispensable condition in the business of reduction of poverty and the achievement of a sustainable development. Multiplicity of cultures is a motive power for the development of not only economy, but also intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life.

The observance of the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development promotes the preservation of the national originality, cultural and language variety, tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Annually on this day UNESCO appeals to the states-members, intergovernmental bodies, the UN and nongovernmental organizations to make efforts for the improvement and distribution of the knowledge on values and riches of cultural variety.

In 2013, within the bounds of the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the UNESCO and the UN Alliance of Civilizations launched the global company “Do one Thing For Diversity And Inclusion”.

The campaign has the objectives as follow:

  • increase of a global awareness on the importance of an intercultural dialogue, variety and integration;
  • creation of a world community of people aspiring to maintain variety in a real and daily life;
  • struggle against polarization and stereotypes for the improvement of mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples of different cultures.

Last years an enhanced attention is given to the international legal regulation in the field of culture as the cultural rights make an integral part of human rights. In many international legal acts the right of each person to have an opportunity to participate in a cultural life and to adhere to some cultural traditions at the choice is fixed. All these principles are stated in the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity adopted by UNESCO in 2001. This Declaration was the first international legal tool concerning cultural variety. It contains a set of supervising principles for the creation of more peaceful and fair society based on mutual respect and tolerance.

The offered exhibition includes over 70 documents in English, Russian, French and German: books, brochures, mimeographed papers, periodicals and booklets of international organizations.

The exposition consists of the thematic sections as follow:

  • Cultural dialogue for the sake of a sustainable development.

    Rapprochement of cultures and peacemaking: the world culture.

  • Interreligious dialogue as an important component of rapprochement of cultures.
  • Protection of language variety and encouragement of multi-lingual cultures.
  • Protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage for the rapprochement of cultures.

The exhibition will be interesting to linguists, philologists, employees of culture and art establishments, historians, and also a wide audience of readers interested in the questions of the interaction of cultures, languages and cultural variety.

Contact telephone: (+375 17) 293 27 34.



Participate in the #КВІТНЕЙРОДНАЯБЕЛАРУСЬ contest

30 Apr 2024

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the department of excursion and methodological work of the National Library of Belarus / @excursion_nlb from May 9 to July 3 invites everyone to take part in the photo contest  #квітнейроднаябеларусь.

National Library of Belarus News