MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2006–2008Radziviliana: дакументальныя помнікі з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі / Radziviliana: materials from the NLB’s collections

Radziviliana: дакументальныя помнікі з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі / Radziviliana: materials from the NLB’s collections

CD-ROM contains full text electronic copies of works by Radzivil’s family published in the 17th – 18th centuries: the prominent work by Nicolay Christopher Sirotka “Peregrination” in Latin, Polish, and Russian languages, and “Comedies and Tragedies” by Ursula Radzivil as well as research papers dedicated to these works. The electronic edition is the part of the national program “Memory of Belarus” and the international project «Radziviliana».

Compiler: T.I. Roschina
Authors of articles: V.D. Bazhenova, G.Y. Galenchenko, Zh.M. Nekrashevich-Korotkaya
Computer design: L.A. Murashko
Programming: D.V. Makarevich
Project owner: G.V. Kireeva

Size 600 Mb. 60 copies.
Sale price:   Br  26 846
Retail price:  Br 29 530

The edition is available at the booth located on the first floor next to the central entrance or by subscription.