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Electronic editions 2012–2014

pdf.pngThematic plan for 2014

Памятные книжки Витебской губернии. 2-е издание, переработанное / Memorable Books of the Vitebsk Province. 2nd revised edition

CD comprises bibliographic information and digital copies of memorable books of the Vitebsk Province containing authentic statistical and factographic data on economic development, environment, structure and occupation of the locals.

Памятные книжки Минской губернии. 2-е издание, переработанное / Memorable Books of the Minsk Province. 2nd revised edition

CD comprises bibliographic information and digital copies of memorable books of the Minsk Province containing authentic statistical and factographic data on economic development, environment, structure and occupation of the locals.

Памятные книжки Могилёвской губернии. 2-е издание, переработанное / Memorable Books of the Mogilev Province. 2nd revised edition

CD comprises bibliographic information and digital copies of memorable books of the Minsk Province containing authentic statistical and factographic data on economic development, environment, structure and occupation of the locals.

Спадчына Юзафа Ігнацы Крашэўскага / The Heritage of Jozef Ignacy Kraszewsky

A virtual reconstruction of the heritage of Jozef Ignacy Kraszewsky, Belarusian by birth: the writer, historian, artist, editor, publisher, and academician of the Krakow Academy of Sciences.

pdf.png Thematic plan for 2013

Памятные книжки Виленской губернии / Memorable Books of the Vilna Province

CD comprises bibliographic information and digital copies of memorable books of the Vilna Province containing authentic statistical and factographic data on economic development, environment, structure and occupation of the locals.

Памятные книжки Гродненской губернии / Memorable Books of the Grodno Province

CD comprises bibliographic information and digital copies of memorable books of the Grodno Province containing authentic statistical and factographic data on economic development, environment, structure and occupation of the locals.

pdf.png Thematic plan for 2012

Беларуская і руская літаратура. У дапамогу навучэнцам. Выданне другое, дапоўненае і перапрацаванае / Belarusian and Russian Literature for Students. The Second Revised Edition

The second edition of the electronic resource includes more than 400 classical works of Belarusian and Russian literature created during the thousand-year history of Belarusian and Russian written languages: from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century.

Кніжныя помнікі: выяўленне, апісанне, захоўванне, выкарыстанне. Метадычныя матэрыялы / Book Monuments: Revelation, Description, Safekeeping and Use. Methodological papers

Methodological papers cover the main aspects of book monuments processing: revelation and identification criteria, bibliographic description in the format BELMARC, the specificity of item description, storage, safekeeping and access.

Памятные книжки белорусских губерний / Memorable Books of Belarusian Provinces

The set of CDs contains digital copies of “The Memorable Books of the Vitebsk, Minsk and Mogilev Provinces” of the late 19th – early 20th centuries.