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The Book Has No Holidays

The Book Has No Holidays
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On June 20, the children’s room hosted a literary event “The Book Has No Holidays”.

The kids familiarized themselves with main characters of children’s books of the writers Michael Bond and Jujja Wieslander, and also the writer and artist Sven Nordqvist, whose author’s illustrations they especially liked.

The characters of fascinating stories won the children’s hearts with their kindness, love and humor.

Also at the event the boys and girls solved complex puzzles, and then they drew a picture all together.

The young guests spent the time in a friendly and joyful atmosphere. Everyone was touched by fairytales they read, and which left a good mark in children’s hearts.

Read more about other events of the Children's Room.


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders