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Gift from the Marc Chagall Museum

Gift from the Marc Chagall Museum
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The National Library of Belarus actively cooperates with the museums from the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries.

Due to a partnership with the Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk, the Library’s collections were replenished with editions about to the life and work of Marc Chagall, other prominent artists and musicians of the first third of the 20th century.

In early September of 2014, the Museum’s Director L. Khmelnitskaya donated gratis the following editions:

  • Бюллетень Музея Марка Шагала. Вып. 21. – Витебск, 2013. – 128 с. [Bulletin of the Marc Chagall Museum].
  • Марк Шагал и художники европейского авангарда: литографии из коллекции Музея Марка Шагала в Витебске: каталог выставки. – Даугавпилс, 2014. – [62] с. [Marc Chagall and the European avant-garde artists; lithographs from the collection of the Marc Chagall Museum – Exhibition Catalogue].
  • Роберт Генин. В поисках рая: Бали, 1926 / Составитель А. Родионов. – Санкт-Петербург, 2013. – 96 с. [Robert Genin. In search of paradise].
  • Юдин, Г.Я. Музыкальная жизнь Витебска в первой четверти XX века / Гавриил Яковлевич Юдин. – Минск: Медисонт, 2013. – 304 с. [Yudin, G.Y. The musical life of Vitebsk in the first quarter of the 20th century].


Adam Shanyavsky and the library fund of the Nesvizh county school (the last quarter of the XVIII century)

25 Apr 2024

On April 24, 2024, at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rumyantsev Readings-2024" in Moscow, Olga Polunchenko, chief bibliographer of the Department of reference and Information Services, presented a report "The role of Adam Shanyavsky in organizing the library fund of the Nesvizh County School (the last quarter of the XVIII century)."

National Library of Belarus News