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At the crossroads of words

At the crossroads of words
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From March 1st to April 19th, an exhibition “At the crossroads of words” timed to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Barys Stralcoǔ (1926–2009) runs in the Belarusian literature reading room No. 205.

Barys Stralcoǔ is a talented Belarusian journalist, writer, Candidate of History (1968), Doctor of Philology (1978) and professor (1979). His research and pedagogic work was highly appreciated. Barys Stralcoǔ was awarded the diplomas of the BSSR Supreme Soviet, (1962, 1965, 1986), the prize of the International Confederation of Journalists (1992), the Belarusian Union of Journalists (1995). He is a honored worker of culture of the Republic of Belarus (1997), winner of the Special Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus to workers of art and culture in nomination “Journalism” (2001).

Barys Stralcoǔ is rightly called a legend, the patriarch of the Belarusian journalism whose monographs became a significant contribution: Публіцыстычнасць інфармацыйных жанраў (Journalism of information genres) (1973), Аналітычныя жанры (Analytic genres) (1974), Публіцыстыка. Жанры. Майстэрства (Journalism. The genres of the Mastery) (1977), Асновы літаратурна-мастацкай творчасці (Basics of literary creativity) (1999), Асноўныя творчыя метады ў журналістыцы (Basic creative methods in journalism) (2000). These and other works by Barys Stralcoǔ are on display.

Barys Stralcoǔ was also interested in fiction. The exposition presents collections of his short stories, novels, essays, and an autobiography. The writer fascinates with his ability to penetrate deep into the essence of life processes, psychologically accurately comprehend humane fate, in which he was assisted, in addition to the writer’s talent, a rich journalistic practice. Barys Stralcoǔ is the author of several scenarios of documentaries and artistic and journalistic albums devoted to Belarus.

The exhibition also includes encyclopedias with biography data about the author and information about his activity of a researcher, editor and teacher.

Contact telephone: (+375 17) 293 27 16.


Adam Shanyavsky and the library fund of the Nesvizh county school (the last quarter of the XVIII century)

25 Apr 2024

On April 24, 2024, at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rumyantsev Readings-2024" in Moscow, Olga Polunchenko, chief bibliographer of the Department of reference and Information Services, presented a report "The role of Adam Shanyavsky in organizing the library fund of the Nesvizh County School (the last quarter of the XVIII century)."

National Library of Belarus News