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A lifelong passion for culture: the "Lace Story" was presented in the library

A lifelong passion for culture: the "Lace Story" was presented in the library
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On October 13, the National Library of Belarus hosted the opening of the exhibition "Lace Story".

The show features creations by Gennady and Svetlana Vyal, a creative duo. The artists graduated from the Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute's Faculty of Art and Graphics together, and they have cooperated professionally and personally for more than 40 years. Svetlana, a master of weaving and papercutting, and Gennady, a master of printmaking and small forms of graphics, are also connected by their lifelong commitment to instructing young Brest residents in the fundamentals of fine art.

Gennady and Svetlana Vyal display ex-libris and graphics, papercutting, and tapestries at the exhibition. Each item is a unique chapter in the Brest artisans' general lace stroy. Ex-libris and papercutting are forms of art that aim to maintain traditional practises and incorporate them with contemporary author creations. Gennady Vyal works in various techniques-etching, aquatint, dry needle, watercolor. The expressive, original manner makes the story bookplates presented at the exhibition informative. Svetlana Vyal's works impress with their magical interweaving of fantasies and deep symbolism. Flowers, birds, angels are full of lyrical mood, warmth, brightness of colors and accents.


Aksana Knizhnikava, Director General of the National Library of Belarus, made a welcoming speech. Chairman of the Belarus' Folk Art Masters Union, Doctor of Art History Evgeny Sakhuta, First Deputy Chairman of the Belarus' Artists Union, art critic Natalia Sharangovich and member of the Belarus' Artists Union, graphic artist Viktor Savchenko shared their expert opinions on the submitted works.

Member of the Belarus' Artists Union, graphic artist Gennady Vyal and member of the Belarus' Folk Art Masters Union, master of papercutting and hand weaving Svetlana Vyal expressed their sincere gratitude to the National Library for the opportunity to exhibit their works and to all those present for their kind words and wishes of inspiration in their work. They presented the library with a memorable gift – an engraving "The Brest (Radziwill) Bible. 1563. Return".

"Lace Story" is a multi-page story about a sincere passion for culture and literature, about booksellers, lovers of book signs and library owners, about national Belarusian images, traditions and traditional crafts, friendship, love, faith and hope.

The exhibition will last until November 20, 2022.

The end date of the exhibition can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition corresponds to the library’s opening hours.
Entrance to the exhibition is available by the library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

For more info: (+375 17) 368 37 37.

The article is provided by the Public relations department.


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders