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Festival-lecture “Digital History”

Festival-lecture “Digital History”
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On May 18-19, 2024, the National Library of Belarus hosted the festival-lecture “Digital History”  with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

The topic of the new lecture was the common history of Russia and Belarus, shown through vivid events of different eras. The speakers of the festival were Vadzim Hihin, Director General of the National Library of Belarus, Alexander Kibovsky, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Director of the Digital History research project, Egor Yakovlev, twice winner of the Znanie Educational Award, Ilya Vasiliev, director, screenwriter, Chairman of the Board of the Alexander Pechersky Foundation, and others.

For two days, the lecturers told the participants about key historical events. These are the Battle of Grunwald, the Headquarters of Nicholas II in Mogilev, the Great Patriotic War, archival documents about Konstantin Kalinovsky, the digital history of the USSR and the Union State, and others.

The audience of the lecture hall was expected to have a creative meeting with the historian, publicist, public figure and popularizer of historical knowledge Evgeny Spitsyn.

The special guest of the second day of the festival was theatre and film actor, film director, Honoured Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Belarus Vladimir Gostyukhin, to whom the participants of the event asked questions on topics of interest.

The special project "Digital History" is designed to draw attention to the historical events of both countries, to show their importance and impact on modernity. An interest in the past contributes to a deeper understanding of the present and a better prediction of the future.

Interactive platforms worked for two days: the project "Ancient Game Library" dedicated to finds on the territory of modern Belarus, the Military Historical Club "129 Guards SME" presented weapons and equipment of soldiers from the Afghan War, the Military Historical Club "Control-16|Minsk" showed the nomenclature of historical small arms from the Second World War and the war in Afghanistan.

Such events are an important event for society, as they contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, increase historical literacy, foster patriotism, become not only a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, but also contribute to strengthening friendly relations between people from different countries.

The material was provided by the Public Relations Department.


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