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Title: Дрисвятское озеро (Ковенской губернии) в гидро-географическом отношении: с планом озера и профилями дна.

Author: Pavlovsky A. Mikhail.

Place and date of issue: Vilnia: Типография А. Г. Сыркина, 1910.

Annotation: Mikhail A. Pavlovsky was a geographer. The author of the book describes hydrogeographic researches of the Lake Drisvyaty situated in the Kovensky Governorate. The edition contains a plan view of the lake with the profiles of the lake bottom.

Title: География Минской губернии.

Author: Smorodsky P., Aleksandr.

Place and date of issue: Minsk: издание Минского губернского статистического комитета, 1894.

Annotation: Alexander P. Smorodsky (1850 – 1910) was a secretary of the Minsk Governorate Statistical Committee, historian, writer, professor. The Minsk Governorate was an administrative and territorial unit of the Russian Empire in 1793 – 1795, 1796 – 1921. The book conveys different aspects of the Minsk Governorate geography. It contains descriptions of soil, lowlands, highlands, agricultural and production sector. The editions contain a map of the Minsk Governorate

Title: Город Борисов (Минской губернии).

Author: Eduard M. Kein.

Place and date of issue: Вильна : издание Сев.-Западного отдела Императорского русского географического общества, 1910 (Типография А. Г. Сыркина).

Annotation: The book describes the history of Borisov – the Minsk province county town, one of the centers of industrial and commercial settlements in the Northwestern Krai. Borisov is one of the towns founded by local Western Russian princes. The author gives a description of Borisov, Novo-Borisov and old Borisov. The book contains 24 illustrations.

Title: Беловежская пуща : ее исторический очерк, современное охотничье хозяйство и Высочайшие охоты в Пуще.

Author: Карцов, Георгий Павлович.

Place and date of issue: СПб. : Артист. заведение А.Ф. Маркса, 1903.

Annotation: Owning to the rich, wrapped in legends history, and to the unique nature which has mostly retained its primitive features, the Bialowieza Forest is actually one of the most famous natural sites in the world. G. Kartsov’s book is a chronicle which narrates the history, depicts fauna, flora and climate of this unique ancient forest, and describes royal hunts since the XIV century. Due to illustrations by famous artists, the book was especially popular among historians and naturalists and even served as a model for polygraphic workers of the time.

Title: Carte de la Pologne : Divisee par provinces et palatinats et subdivisee par districts, construite d’apres quantite d’arpentages d’observations, et de mesures prises sur les lieux ("Карта Польши с ее провинциями, воеводствами, землями и регионами").

Author: Рицци-Заннони, Джованни Антонио.

Place and date of issue: [Париж], 1772.

Annotation: The history of mapping of Belarusian lands is inseparably linked with the history of West-European and Russian cartography as the territory of Belarus was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Rzeczpospolita, and since the late 18th century it had been part of the Russian Empire.
In the 18th century, voevode of the town of Novogrudok J.A. Yablonovsky was an ardent collector of maps. Under his patronage and sponsorship, with the use of materials from his collection, Italian cartographer G.A. Rizzi Zannoni creates the famous “Map of Poland with its Provinces, Lands and Regions” (G.A. Rizzi-Zannoni. "Carte de la Pologne...") published as an atlas in 1772. It represents the territory of Belarus. This is the first large-scale map of Poland (before its divides) covering the territories of contemporary Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and the western regions of Russia. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania is represented by the Provinces of Vilno, Trakai, Polotsk, Novogrudok, Vitebsk, Berestie, Mstislavl and Minsk. The maps are engraved and illuminated by hand (watercolor). This is the only old printed atlas in which Belarusian lands are mapped in large scale and in detail.

Title: Топографическия примечании на знатнейшия места путешествия Ея Императорскаго Величества в Белорусския наместничества.

Place and date of issue: [Санкт-Петербург] : При С.П.Б. Импер. Акад. Наук, 1780.

Annotation: In 1780, a grandiose travel of Russian Empress Ekaterina ІІ to the Belarusian Province was planned and then took place. This is the first edition to cover the history and the state of the regions of Eastern Belarus attached to the Russian Empire in 1772 and visited by the Empress. Cities, small towns and other settlements, including the number of inhabitants and kinds of their occupations are described in details.
The edition also covers the local sights: there are descriptions of castles, palaces, temples, monasteries of Eastern Belarus. Data on the regional geography are included as well. The referenced data are in the end of the book.

Title: Геаграфія Беларусі.

Author: Смоліч, Аркадзь Антонавіч.

Place and date of issue: Вільня : Друкарня «Промень», 1919.

Annotation: Arkadiy Smolich (1891–1938) is the figure of Belarusian national revival and scientist in the field of economics, agriculture and cartography. In 1927 he became the first Belarusian Professor of Geography
Arkadiy Smolich’s “The Geography of Belarus” (“Геаграфія Беларусі”) is a manual and, at the same time, a scientific monograph and a fascinating and sincere narrative about the Belarusian lands, nature, agriculture and people. At the time it obtained a wide public recognition and became an irreplaceable source of knowledge of the native land and self-knowledge of Belarusians. The book features not only the geographical description of the country within its ethnographic borders, but also detailed characteristics of all regions, towns and the most remarkable places. The author defined the basic purpose of the edition in his epigraph to the book: “Belarus must stop being a land unknown to Belarusians”. A. Smolich’s “Geography” still remains the matchless sample of popular scientific description of Belarus.

Title: Река Западная Двина : историко-географическій обзоръ.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and date of issue: Витебск : Типолитогр. Г.А. Малкина, 1893.

Annotation: The fundamental monograph of outstanding historian, archeologist and regional ethnographer Aleksey Sapunov (1851–1924) “The River Western Dvina: Historical and Geographical Survey” (“Река Западная Двина: историко-географический обзор”) features massive and manifold historical, archeological, geographical and hydrographic materials. The edition presents the most detailed description of the Western Dvina, its banks and adjoining territories: a historical and geographical survey of the river in the antiquity and the Middle Ages, a description of sources and inflows of the Western Dvina, channels and projects of channels between the Dvina and other rivers, rapids and banks; a detailed description of waters, fall and speed of flow of the Dvina; a geological review of the banks of the Western Dvina, a description of the fish found in the river basin, ways of fishing; a historical and statistical research of the trade routes on the river since the most ancient times; a historical and statistical description of settlements located along the river. The whole section is devoted to the theme “The Dvina in Poetry”.
Historical, ethnographical, economic materials are collected by А. Sapunov from different sources. The book contains a number of illustrations, schedules and maps. The value of some illustrations is that the depicted objects no longer exist.

Title: Беловежская пуща: (наброски пером и фотографией).

Author: Вишняков, Евгений Петрович.

Place and year of issue: С.-Петербург: Типография и фототипия В.И. Штейна, 1894.

Annotation: The Bialowieza Forest is a remainder of primitive relic forests which is located in the western part of the territory of Belarus. The Bialowieza Forest is a symbol of Belarus. Russian geographer, photographer, infantry general E. Vishnyakov (1841–1916) dedicated his album Belovezhskaya Pushcha to it. In the book he represented as the author of texts and a photographer. His camera captured deaf impenetrable bowels of the Bialowieza Forest, small areas of land: thickets, fallen trees, windfalls, sedge marshes.

Title: Опыт описания Могилёвской губернии в историческом, физико-географическом, этнографическом, промышленном, сельскохозяйственном, лесном, учебном, медицинском и статистическом отношениях: с двумя картами губернии и 17 резанными на дереве гравюрами видов и типов: в 3 кн. Кн. 1.

Author: Дембовецкий, Александр Станиславович.

Place and year of issue: Могилёв на Днепре, 1882–1884 (Типография Губернского правления), 1882.

Annotation: Alexander Stanislavovich Dembovetsky (1840–1914) is a Belarusian statesman, public figure and regional specialist. He was the governor of the Mogilev Province (1872–1893) and head of the Mogilev provincial statistical committee. His three-volume work contains the most complete and exact descriptions of the history and condition of the Mogilev Province of that time.

Title: Опыт описания Могилёвской губернии в историческом, физико-географическом, этнографическом, промышленном, сельскохозяйственном, лесном, учебном, медицинском и статистическом отношениях: с двумя картами губернии и 17 резанными на дереве гравюрами видов и типов: в 3 кн. Кн. 2.

Author: Дембовецкий, Александр Станиславович.

Place and year of issue: Могилёв на Днепре, 1882–1884 (Типография Губернского правления), 1884.

Annotation: Alexander Stanislavovich Dembovetsky (1840–1914) is a Belarusian statesman, public figure and regional specialist. He was the governor of the Mogilev Province (1872–1893) and head of the Mogilev provincial statistical committee. His three-volume work contains the most complete and exact descriptions of the history and condition of the Mogilev Province of that time.

Title: Опыт описания Могилёвской губернии в историческом, физико-географическом, этнографическом, промышленном, сельскохозяйственном, лесном, учебном, медицинском и статистическом отношениях: с двумя картами губернии и 17 резанными на дереве гравюрами видов и типов: в 3 кн. Кн. 3.

Author: Дембовецкий, Александр Станиславович.

Place and year of issue: Могилёв на Днепре, 1882–1884 (Типография Губернского правления), 1884.

Annotation: Alexander Stanislavovich Dembovetsky (1840–1914) is a Belarusian statesman, public figure and regional specialist. He was the governor of the Mogilev Province (1872–1893) and head of the Mogilev provincial statistical committee. His three-volume work contains the most complete and exact descriptions of the history and condition of the Mogilev Province of that time.

Title: Lithuania : Duche de Lithvanie, Samogitie, Rußie & Volhinie.

Author: Gerardus Mercator.

Place and year of issue: [S. l., 1595 ці 1602].

Annotation: The map of well-known Flemish cartographer Gerhardus Mercator, which age makes almost 500 years, depicts the outlines of modern Belarus which was at that time a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Title: Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae, caeterarumoue regionum illi adiacentium exacta descriptio. Великое Княжество Литовское с многочисленными принадлежащими ему землями, точно описанное.

Author: Карта была подготовлена к изданию целым коллективом картографов и издателей. Среди них – известный гравер и художник Томаш Маковский, возглавлявший типографию при дворе Радзивиллов в Несвиже.

Place and year of issue: S.l., s.a.

Annotation: The map was printed under the initiative and with the support of Nikolay Radziwill “The Orphan” (1549–1616). The detailed map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania depicts numerous settlements; the hydrography is authentically noted as well. It is printed in Amsterdam in 1613 in the Latin language and is considered as an outstanding achievement of Belarusian and West-European cartography.

Title: Атлас народонаселения Западно-Русского края по исповеданиям.

Author: [карты составлены подполковником Генерального штаба [А.Ф.] Риттих ; под заведыванием и ближайшим руководством д.с.с. [П.Н.] Батюшковым].

Place and year of issue: Санкт-Петербург, 1864 (Печ. в типографии В. Веллинга; Хромолитография Полторацкого и Ильина).

Annotation: The "Atlas" features a general map of population of the West-Russian region and 9 maps of population of particular provinces according to local believes (Mogilev, Vitebsk, Vilna, Grodno, etc.). The edition allows to define a percentage of citizens of each belief in a concrete district and to learn a number of inhabitants of both sexes in each parish.

Title: Новый атлас или Собрание карт всех частей земнаго шара почерпнутый из разных сочинителей и напечатанный в Санктпетербурге для употребления юношества в 1793 году при Горном училище.

Author: Атлас гравирован под руководством А.М. Вильдбрехта в Географическом департаменте с французского атласа. Под картами 18, 32 и 55 подписи гравёров А. Савинкова, Т. Михайлова, И. Колпакова. Тит. л. гравирован Г.Т. Харитоновым.

Place and year of issue: [Санктпетербург : При Горном училище, 1793].

Annotation: Separate maps of the Atlas: № 25 “The Map of Poland with lands”, № 27 “The Western part of the Russian state”, and № 28 “The Eastern part of the Russian state” reflect the territory of Belarus in the structure of the Russian Empire.