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Title:  Искусство и техника.

Author: Syrkin G. Maksimilian.

Place and date of issue: Minsk: publication by the Belarusian Section of the Scientists, 1928.

Collection holder: National Library of Belarus

Annotation: Maksimilian G. Syrkin (1858 – 1928) was a publisher, art historian, writer and editor. The book is a theoretic part of a course introducing the historical study of plastic arts. The author of the work divides plastics to the architecture and art-production arts, arts of sculpture and painting.


Title: Каталог выстаўкі слуцкіх паясоў.

Place and date of issue: Minsk: issued with the help of Belarusian State Museum, 1927.

Collection holder: National Library of Belarus

Annotation: The Slutsk belts occupy a significant place among objects of ancient Belarusian art. The book edition contains material about the exhibition of Slutsk belts in the Belarusian State Museum. The book describes history of their production, includes brief overview about Slutsk factory.

Title: Древнерусский город Слуцк и его святыни : исторический очерк, с шестью гравюрами.

Author: Fyodor F. Serno-Solovievich.

Place and date of issue: Вильна, 1896 (Типография А. Г. Сыркина).

Annotation: The book describes the history of Slutsk (Sluchesk in ancient times), named from the river Sluch. The first mentions date from 1086. The book informs about the formation of Orthodox monasteries and parish churches. The Holy Trinity Monastery, the center of Orthodoxy on the Belarusian-Lithuanian lands, is mentioned. Those time at the Monastery there was a spiritual school where theology, rhetoric, Slavic and Greek grammar were studied.

Title: Album widoków gubernij grodzieńskiej, wileńskiej, mińskiej, kowieńskiej, wołyńskiej, podolskiej, kijowskiej, przedstawiający miejsca historycznie z czasów wojen : …, oraz przedhistoryczne … również stare ruiny zamków obronnych i piękne rezydencje świadczące o przeszłości i cywilizacji tego kraju : [Seria 4].

Author: Orda, Napoleon.

Place and date of issue: Warszawa : Lit. w Zakładzie artystyczno-Litograficznym Maxymiliana Fajansa), [1877].

Annotation: Napoleon Orda’s (1807–1883) artistic creativity is devoted to architectural landscapes and perpetuation of the history and culture of the Slavic lands. His drawings depicting temples, palaces, castles, mansions, cities, towns and villages combine the accuracy of historical documents and the imagery of a poetic work. N. Orda had achieved fame thanks to his albums of lithographs. Series 4 includes 31 lithographs on separate sheets, 12 of which represent Belarusian cities and towns.

Title: Exlibris’ы А.Тычины.

Author: Шлюбский, Александр Онуфриевич.

Place and date of issue: Минск, 1931.

Annotation: Anatoly Tychina (1897–1986), one of the founders of Belarusian book graphics of the 20th century, played an important role in the development of Belarusian national art. He contributed to the development of such kinds of graphic art as book graphics, easel graphics, journal and newspaper graphics and ex-libris. The graphics by Tychina are expressive realistic forms, contrasts of color and volume and at the same time the unique national color. In the 1920s, Belarusian art of ex-libris saw its flourishing. In 1928, "Exlibris’ы А.Тычины" ("Ex-libris by A. Tychyna") were published in 200 copies only thanks to the Belarusian society of bibliophiles. The edition "Ex-libris by A.Tychya" comprises all full-scale book signs – 16 in total. (A .Shlyubsky’s historical-biographic essay precedes the illustrations).

Title: Беларускі тэатр.

Author: Аляхновіч, Францішак.

Place and date of issue: Вільня : выданне Беларускага грамадзянскага сабрання, 1924 (Друкарня «Lux»).

Annotation: The name of Francišak Alachnovič (1883–1944) is closely related to different kind of activity. He concerned himself with dramatic art, poetry, prose, theater studies, worked as a director and actor, carried out educational and social work.
"The Belarusian theatre" (Беларускі тэатр) is the first study of national theater traditions, an essay about the history of the Belarusian theatre from its initial forms to its full formation – the establishment of the Belarusian State Theatre.
The monograph by F. Alachnovič represents a scientific analysis of the formation and the poetics of the national dramatic art. The author consequently analyzes the folk origins of the Belarusian dramatic art and interprets achievements of school drama with its interludes and Batleyka. The book tells not only about forgotten facts, phenomena, events of the history of the national scene, but also about the name of its author as an actor, director, playwright, an organizer in a theatre and a theatre historian, brings a lot of new information to the understanding of theater and other processes which related to culture in Belarus.

Title: Пан міністар : камедыя ў 3 актах.

Author: Аляхновіч, Францішак.

Place and date of issue: Вільня : выданне газеты «Голас беларуса», 1924 (Друкарня С. Бэкэра).

Annotation: Francišak Alachnovič (1883–1944) is an outstanding figure of the Belarusian revival, poet, actor, director, the first Belarusian theatre historian, the author of several dramas, most of which are based on folk stories. His works are characterized by a sharp social content and democracy, an entertaining plot, the dynamism of actions and the expressiveness of his language.
A satirical comedy "Pan-Minister" (Пан міністар) is a brilliant political satire on pseudo-Belarusian figures. It was written on the eve of the election of deputies to the Polish Seym and had relevant specific meaning. The leading story line tells about the desire of the main character to acquire a portfolio of the Minister of Finance and about all tricks which were made to get it. The play is written in a classic style and debunks those who try to use some political situations to get benefit.

Title: Нарысы з гісторыі беларускага мастацтва. Доследы і матэрыялы для вывучэння мастацтва ; Кн. 1.

Author: Шчакаціхін, Мікола.

Place and year of issue: Мінск, 1928.

Annotation: The work of Belarusian scientist N. Shchekotikhin (1896–1940) became the first attempt to study systematically the history of Belarusian art. It gives a scientific review of art from the Ancient Times to the 15th–16th centuries when building of churches was widespread and where Belarusian Gothic architecture was presented as a perfect system.

Title: Васiль Вашчанка – магiлёўскi гравёр канца XVII – пач. XVІII сталецця.

Author: Шчакаціхін, Мікола.

Place and year of issue: Менск [Мінск : б. в.], 1925.

Annotation: The work of Belarusian art critic N. Shchekotikhin (1896–1940) gives an overview of the creative activity of Vasil Vashchenko – a Belarusian wood cutter of the late 17th – the 1st half of the 18th century, a representative of the Mogilev engraving school. Most of his works are associated with book design. The work describes in detail the master’s engravings.

Title: Крашаніна : матэрыялы да гісторыі яе ў Віцебшчыне.

Author: Фурман, Іван Пятровіч.

Place and year of issue: Віцебск : Т-ва краязнаўства, 1925.

Annotation: The 1920s is a period when a scientific formation of Belarusian ethnography and art history began its development. This process was determined by the tasks of the national-cultural revival of Belarus. The book is devoted to a peculiar branch of folk art – woodblock printing on textiles (dyeing) – the art of printing patterns on textiles by means of incised wooden blocks.

Title: Сучаснае беларускае мастацтва.

Author: Nikolai Shchekotikhin and Vatslau Lastouski.

Place and year of issue: Minsk, 1929.

Annotation: The book is dedicated to the activity of the Department of the Modern Belarusian Art of the Belarusian State Museum (BSM). The edition represents a register of works related to the Belarusian painting and carvings which have been kept in the department in the 1920s. It also includes brief data on artists and descriptions of their works, their accession numbers in BSM, and also information about the participation of the artworks in different exhibitions.

Title: Гравюры і кніжныя аздобы ў выданнях Францішка Скарыны.

Author: Shchekotikhin, Nikolai.

Place and year of issue: Minsk, 1926.

Annotation: The work by the remarkable scientist Nikolai Shchekotikhin (1896–1940) acquaints with the design of books by the first printer Francisk Skorina (about 1490–1551), analyzes them and evaluates the book publishing as an important phenomenon of the Belarusian art. The researcher suggests his own classification of engravings in Francisk Skorina’s editions.

Title: Беларуская архiтэктура ў XI–XII ст.

Author: Shchekotikhin, Nikolai.

Place and year of issue: Minsk, 1927.

Annotation: The author of the book is Nikolai Shchekotikhin (1896–1940), the founder of the Belarusian Soviet Art Studies, talented historian, theorist and critic who has studied the Belarusian art and architecture of ancient times to the present, religious architecture and monumental painting of the period from the 9th century to the 19th century, icon painting of the 17th and 18th centuries, defensive installations of the period from the 13th century to the 16th century, ancient Belarusian engravings, design of Francisk Skorina’s books, works of Belarusian artists. The book is devoted to ancient Belarusian architectural monuments.

Title: Віцебскія мастакі-гравёры.

Author: Furman, Ivan.

Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1928.

Annotation: The author of the book is Ivan Furman (1890–1935), a Belarusian Soviet arts critic and local historian. This edition is about work of Belarusian artists. Vitebsk is the Homeland to great artists, graphic artists and engravers. Due to works by Yefim Minin (1897–1941), Solomon Yudovin (1894–1954) and Zinovy Gorbovets (1897–1979), the city of Vitebsk in the field of woodcut took the first place not only in Belarus but also abroad.

Title: Віцебск у гравюрах С. Юдовіна.

Author: Furman, Ivan.

Place and year of isuue: Vitebsk, 1926.

Annotation: The 20th-century Belarusian woodcut is well-known by the works of the artist Solomon Yudovin (1894–1954) who has began working in the field of engraving in Vitebsk in the 1920s, first on the linoleum, and then on the wood.
The plot for his engravings Yudovin took from the surrounding life of Vitebsk – the city where a lot of craftsmen and merchants lived. Yudovin’s engravings are remarkable for their plots which vividly reflect types and life of the Jewish poor. The artist created works related to Vitebsk before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Title: З.И. Горбовец. Гравюры на дереве.

Author: Furman, Ivan.

Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1927.

Annotation: The book is the analysis of Zinovy Gorbovets’s unique talent (1897–1979), his technique and concepts of his engravings. The artist chose a difficult technique – woodblock printing on the wood, i.e. a method which European and Japanese masters had used. He managed to quickly and originally master this technique and combine it with formal expressiveness of his engravings.

Title: Беларускае мастацтва = Zur Weissruthenischen Kunst.

Author: Ipel, Albert.

Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1925.

Annotation: The author of the book is a German arts critic, the first person who has written about the Belarusian art since its existence from the point of view of a place where it has arisen and different impacts on it. The book is not a thorough research of all the branches of the Belarusian art, their history, but it is a source of initial knowledge of the Belarusian art.

Title: Bielaruskije piesni z notami.

Author: Grinevich, Anton.

Place and year of issue: Pieciarburh, 1910.

Annotation: Anton Grinevich (1877–1937) is a Belarusian public and cultural figure, collector and popularizer of folk music, composer, publisher and teacher. In 1910, there was published the edition Belorusskiye pesni s notami (The Belarusian Songs with Sheet Music) (vol. 1) in St. Petersburg. It marked the beginning of work of Anton Grinevich’s Publishing House. The first volume contains classic examples of Belarusian melodies.

Title: От Сезанна до супрематизма.

Author: Malevich, Kazimir.

Place and year of issue: Moscow, 1920.

Annotation: Kazimir Malevich (1878–1935) is a Belarusian and Russian avant-garde artist. He is one of the founders of geometric abstract art, the founder of Suprematism. He was a teacher at the People’s Art School in Vitebsk (1919–1922). In his critical essay, the artist sets out the essence of the concepts related to a new stage in the development of abstract art.

Title: Беларускае народнае мастацтва = Белорусское народное искусство.

Author: Склалі: І.А. Сербаў, М.Я. Грынблат, Н.С. Махнач; Пад рэд. Н.М. Нікольскага.

Place and year of issue: Мінск : Выдавецтва Акадэміі навук БССР, 1951.

Annotation: The folk art is the major component of the national art culture. The album is devoted to Belarusian national applied art: weaving, carpet weaving, embroidery, knitting, printed cloth and contains a rich actual material and numerous samples of Belarusian needlework.

Title: Искусство советской Белоруссии.

Place and year of issue: Москва: Искусство; Ленинград, 1940.

Annotation: The collection includes articles about Belarusian art creativity, graphic and theatrical art, music and Belarusian folk art. The edition contains a number of photos of cultural and art workers of the Soviet Belarus and reproductions of pictures by Belarusian artists.