MainEventsEvents"Health rules: disease prevention in the XXI century"
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"Health rules: disease prevention in the XXI century"

"Health rules: disease prevention in the XXI century"
Other events
January 4 – February 27
room 106

The thematic exhibition "Health rules: disease prevention in the XXI century" takes place from January 4 to February 27 in the hall of periodicals (room 106).

Every year the number and variety of diseases increases. Unfortunately, despite the fact that modern medicine is working daily to find methods to combat diseases, our susceptibility to various ailments remains quite high, and their prevalence is global.

Disease prevention is an effective set of measures aimed at early detection, prevention of the onset or exacerbation of the disease, as well as at maintaining and strengthening health. Vaccination is a simple and effective way of mass prevention of infectious diseases. Articles from the periodicals “Retsept” ("Prescription"), “Zdorovy obraz zhizni” ("Healthy lifestyle"), “Na strazhe” ("On Guard"), etc. will tell about the benefits of using vaccines.

With the advent of the pandemic, the importance of preventing respiratory infections has been felt by the whole world. As practice shows, seasonal diseases sometimes cause severe complications. You can find out about the features of respiratory viruses, means and methods of protection against infection in publications from the magazines "Labour Protection and Social Protection", "Medical Bulletin", etc. An article from the “Minsky Courier” (“Minsk Courier”) newspaper provides information on what measures should be taken to prevent influenza for children and pregnant women. An article in “Narodnaya Gazeta” (“Folk Newspaper”) will tell about the role of vitamin C in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.

Prevention of oncological, endocrine and other dangerous diseases is of great importance. The material of “Vecherny Minsk” ("Evening Minsk") highlights the main signs of stroke, tells which diet is the best for blood vessels and what measures to take to prevent and treat stroke. Articles from the periodicals “Zdravoohranenie” ("Healthcare"), "Grodzenskaya Prayda" (“Grodno Truth”) consider the causes of diabetes mellitus, obesity, infections, oncological diseases, etc., and also substantiate the need to make adjustments to standard approaches to patient management.

Nutrition is an important factor affecting human health. Improper, unhealthy diet, expressed in both insufficient and excessive consumption of food, can cause the development of various diseases – cardiovascular, blood and circulatory organs, as well as metabolic disorders. The publication of the magazine “Lechebnoe Delo” ("Medical Business") presents a modern view on the possibility of improving the functioning of the human immune system with personalized nutrition. The magazine “Meditsinskie Znaniia” ("Medical Knowledge") covers the physiological and practical aspects of a rational diet. An article in the newspaper "Navuka" (“Science”) will tell you how the irreplaceability of the trace element iron is determined and how to strengthen the "iron shield" of the body.

In total, about 30 periodicals are presented at the exhibition.

The opening hours of the exhibition corresponds to the library’s opening hours
Admittion is by the 
library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

Phone for inquiries: (+37517) 293 27 06.

The material was provided by the Service Department of Specialized Funds.


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