MainEventsEvents"To Set in Motion the Energy of Conscience..."
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"To Set in Motion the Energy of Conscience..."

"To Set in Motion the Energy of Conscience..."
Other events
21 September – 15 November
10:00 – 21:00
room 205

An exhibition “To Set in Motion the Energy of Conscience” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Nil Hilievich, national poet of Belarus, literary critic, folklorist, translator, Honoured Scientist of Belarus (1931-2016), is on show in the Belarusian Literature Reading Room (room 205) from September 21 to November 15.

The sections of the exhibition" A word, dear, living, free", "We will eventually reach, we will reach Belarus," "Song Panorama," "The Resonating Poet's Heart," "Murmur, please murmur, the birches above me" fully illustrate the poet's life and creative path.

The writer's rich literary heritage is represented by a collection of works in 23 volumes, books of selected pieces, collections of lyrics; the novel in verse "My Children," the poem "The Tale of the Lysaja Hill," a collection of plays "The Night in the Stork's Nest," an autobiographical story "Having Survived the War"; collections of literary criticism and journalism articles, books of satire and humour, works for children, etc.

The works of Nil Hilievich have been translated into many languages of the world. The section "The Resonating Poet's Heart" introduces visitors to the author's works in Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, English, Spanish and other languages, as well as to the writer's translations.

Many Belarusian composers wrote music to the poet's verses: Mikalaj Churkin, Mikalaj Aladov, Ja. Cikocki, A. Bahatyrou, U. Alounikau, Ja. Hlebau, I. Luchanok, D. Smolski, E. Hanok and others. The poet's poems "Murmur, please murmur, the birches above me," "The Lark", "The Road to Belarus", "The Mothertongue", "Belarus, My Land," and many others have become very popular. Collections of sheet music are presented in the "Song Panorama" section.

The materials of the section "Murmur, please murmur, the birches above me" are devoted to the study of the multifaceted talent of Nil Hilievich. wrote about the poet: H. Sinenka, I. Navasielcava, H. Ishchanka, V. Karataj, T. Charniakievich, M. Skobla, V. Smal and others.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the library’s opening hours.
Admission is by the library card or by the Social and Cultural Centre ticket.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 27 16.

Special Collections Service Department.


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