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Congratulations to Mr Raman Matulski on his 60th Birthday!

Congratulations to Mr Raman Matulski on his 60th Birthday!
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Every industry produces brilliant individuals, professionals of the highest level who can see far-reaching perspectives and think big. They are few in number, but it is they who bring a particular social institution to new heights.

In the world of libraries, such a personality is Mr Raman Matulski, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, and Distinguished Cultural Worker of the Republic of Belarus.

He was born on August 16, 1961, in the village of Novosiltsy, Zhydachiv district, Lviv region (Ukraine). His father Stepan worked as a librarian. He played a decisive role in Raman Matulski's career choice. “... An astronaut, a submariner, a polar explorer – all this was in childhood dreams and came from books. What was the attraction of this profession? The fact that there was a role model; my father was librarian. He had no hard feelings about it; on the contrary, he was a highly respected person. That is why I did not consider this profession unusual for men..." explains Matulski his professional choice in an interview.

In 1976, 15-year-old Raman entered the Library Department of the Sambir Cultural and Educational School, graduated from it in 1979, and continued his professional education at the Minsk Institute of Culture (now the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts) at the Faculty of Library Science and Bibliography.

In August 1983, after graduating from the institute, Mr Matulski got a job at the State Library of the BSSR named after V.I. Lenin (now the National Library of Belarus), but in November he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army.

Mr Matulski recalls his first professional steps as follows:

“My career began in the basements of the National Library, where the depository was located. There was not enough storage space in the old building, and there was never-ending labour, such as moving the collections around, which was entirely men's work. The appearance of a male colleague in the depository was very welcome. Soon I went to the army, and from there I returned to the Acquisition Department, let's say, the library elite, where I also worked for only a short time. I really wanted to do research, but at that time, you couldn't get into a postgraduate course from a library, only from an educational institution. That is why I took a less prestigious job in the library of the Institute of Culture; this gave me the opportunity to continue my studies.


In 1988, after having worked for over two years as head of the Library Department of the Minsk Institute of Culture, Mr Matulski was enrolled in the postgraduate course at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and in 1991 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "The library statistics: current state and prospects of improvement". As a result, he was awarded the qualification of teacher-researcher and the degree of candidate of pedagogical science, and in 1997 the title of associate professor.

Over the next six years, Raman Matulski taught students at the Library Science Department of the Belarusian State University of Culture.


He was one of the first in Belarus to win various grants from international foundations and thereby had the opportunity to improve his qualifications and learn from the experience of libraries in Europe and America. For example, between 1993 and 1998 he trained in a number of libraries and information institutions in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and the USA.

In March 1998, Mr Matulski was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Library and Information Systems (now the Faculty of Information and Documentary Communications).



Raman Matulski, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Documentary Communications

2003 was a milestone year for Mr Matulski: he defended his doctoral thesis on "The library as a social institute: theoretical and methodological aspect". In the same year, he headed the National Library of Belarus, to which he devoted 18 years of his professional life.


Defence of a doctoral dissertation and obtaining the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

In his first years in charge, Mr Matulski witnessed an important and challenging event for the whole country – the construction of a new building for the National Library. Relocation and its arrangements were carried out in the shortest time for such a scale of work. This was facilitated by carefully developed technology, well-thought-out organizational measures and high performing discipline. The director was personally involved in every stage, going into all the processes, carefully planning and controlling each area.



Construction of a new building for the National Library of Belarus and relocation

Relocating a library to a new building is not only about the exploration of a new space. This is a fundamentally new stage in its development. The Library has successfully developed and implemented innovative activities that were not previously typical of it.

Today the National Library of Belarus is not only the richest collection of books but also a modern information, research, socio-cultural and socio-political centre, which is the hallmark of the Republic. Professionals from all over the world come to the library to study the way things work and learn from the experience.



Visits of foreign delegations

During the years of Mr Matulski's leadership, the country's main intellectual treasury received many awards and the status of a scientific organization. Among the significant awards is the special prize of the president of the Republic of Belarus for workers of culture and art, which was given to the library staff in 2012 for significant contribution to the development of librarianship, implementation of a complex of measures to preserve and popularize the book heritage of Belarus. In 2017, the institution's staff was awarded the Presidential Prize "For Spiritual Revival" for their work in restoring and popularising the book heritage of Francysk Skaryna.


At the award ceremony of the Presidential Prize "For Spiritual Revival", January 2018

Mr Matulski has an amazing talent and ability to combine the functions of an administrator, scientist, teacher, and public figure. In 2005, he was awarded the title of professor. Mr Matulski is a member of numerous collegial governing bodies, scientific and public organizations not only in Belarus, but also abroad.



12th General Meeting of BAE, September 2010, St. Petersburg


Days of Belarusian Libraries within the International Conference “Crimea, Libraries and Information Resources in the Modern World of Science, Culture, Education and Business”, the projects “Belarus Today”, “Book Heritage of Francysk Skaryna”, “Belarus and the Bible” are far from a complete list of grandiose initiatives, the ideological inspirer of which was Raman Matulski. His pro-active attitude and extraordinary organisational skills have contributed to Belarus taking a strong leadership position in the international library community.


Presentation and donation ceremony of the facsimile edition "The Book Heritage of Francysk Skaryna" to the Royal Library of Belgium, December 2017, Brussels


August 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Belarusian delegation at the International Conference "Crimea – 2007"

Raman Matulski has always combined his work with scientific activity, without which he simply cannot imagine himself. Mr Matulski put it quite succinctly in one of his interviews:

“This (scientific work – author's note) is my outlet, the meaning of life, psychotherapy – call it whatever you like.. Sometimes you really want to get away from household worries, bills, budgets and plunge into a completely different world. For example, to return five hundred years back to Skaryna and live at least a few hours in his time. Most often this happens in the evening or on a weekend. All psychologists strongly recommend switching to other things; I try to follow this advice. I can't imagine myself without scientific work. "

Mr Matulski is the author of more than 400 scientific, educational, reference and methodological works in the field of librarianship, including 8 monographs.


Presentation of the monograph "Library as a social institution", 2002


Presentation of the monograph “From the Past to the Future. Libraries of Belarus. Part I ", August 2011

Professional merits and achievements of Mr Matulski are recognized, appreciated and repeatedly acknowledged at various levels. He is the holder of the honorary titles "Distinguished Cultural Worker of the Republic of Belarus" (2013) and "Minsker of the Year" in the field of culture with the diploma and a badge (2009); has 12 medals, among which – "For Work Achievements" for a significant personal contribution to the construction of the National Library of Belarus (2008).

Mr Matulski is the owner of the International Order "Winged Lion" for outstanding services in the revival of the Motherland (2015) and the Order of the Belarusian Orthodox Church of St. Cyril of Turov, II degree (2013), as well as 7 badges.


Presentation of the badge of honor “Hard worker. Creator", March 2018

If you list all the certificates of honour, diplomas and gratitudes that marked the professionalism of Mr Matulski, you get a list of more than 35 items.

The staff of the National Library of Belarus recalls with great warmth the years of work with this wonderful person who never stops at what he has achieved, charging with his energy and enthusiasm all those who work around him.



Currently, He continues his professional path at the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, generously sharing his vast experience and deep knowledge with those who are just taking their first steps in their specialty. We are sure that thanks to Mr Matulski, highly qualified specialists who are infinitely in love with their profession and are devoted to promoting information and knowledge in society will join the ranks of the library sphere of Belarus.

We would like to heartily congratulate Raman Matulski on his anniversary! We wish you good health and a long life, happiness and prosperity, success in business and unfailing luck, new promising ideas and further progress in your favourite occupation!

May your life always be filled with happiness, love and peace and give you unforgettable pleasant experiences and lots of positive emotions!

Bibliology Research Department

The publication uses photos from the home archive of Mr Matulski, the archives of the National Library of Belarus, Mr Ju. Ivanou.



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions