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No One is Forgotten, Nothing is Forgotten

No One is Forgotten, Nothing is Forgotten
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“No One is Forgotten, Nothing is Forgotten: on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” is the name of a supplement to the next issue of the newsletter “New Books: Through the Pages of the Belarusian Press” (2020, No. 4), dedicated to the honouring the memory of those memorable events.

A lot of time has passed since the end of the war, but the Belarusians still keep the memory of those who fought in the lines, partisan detachments and underground against the enemy, perished in prisons and concentration camps, and were burned alive in the villages. It is evidenced through the names of squares, avenues, streets of our cities and other settlements; immortalized through the creation of avenues of heroes, museum expositions, as well as literary works, feature films and documentaries; preserved in monuments and obelisks, information steles, memorial complexes and boards, commemorative signs.

The anniversary supplement to the newsletter “New Books: Through the Pages of the Belarusian Press” includes factual and bibliographic information about the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the memorial complexes “Brest Hero Fortress”, “Khatyn”, “Buinichi Field”, “The Pit”, “ Mound of Glory."


Belorussian material on the topic of the Great Patriotic War can also be found in a number of information resources of the National Library of Belarus, including “Belarus in the Information Space”, “Belarus in Persons and Events.”

Bibliology Research Department


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