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Visit of the International Women’s Club members

Visit of the International Women’s Club members
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The director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulski conducted an excursion around the Library for Minsk International Women’s Club on March 31.

Distinguished guests got acquainted with the history and resources of the institution, its opportunities as the information and sociocultural centre, visited the president-centre and halls for international summits, where meetings of heads of states and governments, important intergovernmental forums and discussions, significant economic, cultural and educational events take place.

Guests got to know peculiarities of the Belarusian, European and Eastern book culture, collections of manuscripts, old-printed and rare books in the Book Museum. Then guests visited the exhibition of the Belarusian artists "Flower paradise VIII", where paintings and works of graphics of flowers are shown.

Ladies visited not only the observation platform, but also the exposition "Taras Shevchenko through the eyes of young artists", dedicated to the anniversary of the Ukrainian poet and artist, and which includes works of pupils of art schools and studios – participants of the I and II Minsk Shevchenko’s drawing competitions.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions