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Presentation of the book series written by Anatoly Butevich

Presentation of the book series written by Anatoly Butevich
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On 12 September, the book series written by Anatoly Butevich "Seven Miracles of Belarus" (Сем цудаў Беларусі), which are nominated for the award of the State Prize of Belarus, was held in the gallery "Labyrinth".

The event was carried out within the framework of the Year of Book.

A welcoming speech was given by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Tadeusz Struzhetsky; writer, translator, winner of the State Prize of Belarus and the Special Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus Raisa Borovikova; Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Ukraine in the CIS coordination establishments Ivan Bunechka, chairman of the public association "Belarusian Fund of Culture", chief editor of the newspaper Krayaznauchay gazeta Vladimir Gilep; editor of the Belarusian Children’s magazine Vyaselka, chairman of the Belarusian Children’s Fund, a member of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, winner of literary awards Vladimir Lipsky; author of many books for children, historical fiction, including the series "Seven Miracles of Belarus", statesman, writer, translator, essayist and critic Anatoly Butevich.

Literary and art editions in the series "Seven Miracles of Belarus" have a documentary character. Accurate information about famous architectural monuments, spiritual treasures of our ancestors, iconic historical figures, written in the overall European context Belarusian things and events are presented in the form of informative and interesting stories. A fascinating text of Anatoly Butevich is accompanied by beautiful illustrations of famous artist Pavel Tatarnikov.


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