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New excursion from the cycle "Famous Names of Motherland"

New excursion from the cycle "Famous Names of Motherland"
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The cycle "Famous Names of Motherland" continues to be replenished with new excursions. On January 28, the first excursion "We remember your pain and losses, Belarus ..." was held, dedicated to the works of the period of the Great Patriotic War A. Kuleshov, M. Tank, P. Panchenko.

The excursion was attended by students, postgraduates and teachers of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture.

The excursionists got acquainted with the architecture, decoration of the library, the system of ordering, delivery and distribution of literature. Part of the excursion was held in the form of interactive classes, during which the guests deepened their knowledge of the work of Pimen Panchenko, Arkady Kuleshov, Maxim Tank, were able to leaf through the books of these authors from the library funds, including the 40s, and completed a number of interactive tasks.


At the end of the excursion, the guests went up to the Observation Deck and admired Minsk from a bird's eye view

We invite everyone who is interested in Belarusian literature and history on the excursion "Famous Names of Motherland" on the works of famous Belarusians: Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich, Kondrat Krapiva, Mikhas Zaretsky, Yanka Mavr, Vladimir Vasilyakorotkevich Chagall.

Applications are accepted from 10.00 to 18.00 from Tuesday to Sunday.

For an appointment: (+375 17) 293 29 66, 293 28 53.


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