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Berkov’s Readings: book culture in the context of international contacts

Berkov’s Readings: book culture in the context of international contacts
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The 5th International Scientific Conference “Berkov’s Readings. Book Culture in the Context of International Contacts” took place on May 28–30.

The venue of the event was the city of Pinsk, which is the cultural capital of Belarus in 2019.

The plenary and breakout sessions of the conference were held in the former building of the Jesuit Collegium, now the Museum of the Belarusian Polesie. During the plenary session, the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus presented publications prepared by and published in 2019.

The international scientific seminar "The History of Polesie in the Socio-Cultural Dimension" was focused on the study of traditions and cultural heritage of the Belarusian Polesie.

“Figures of academic science, their contribution to the book culture and the socio-cultural development of society. Encyclopedic, biography and bibliographic activities”.

The conference was attended by the experts of the National Library of Belarus: Anatoly Steburako, PhD, Associate Professor, head of the Bibliology Research Department; Tatiana Sapego, head of the research and design work section of the Bibliology Research Department; Galina Kireeva, chief bibliographer of the Bibliology Research Department, and Olga Polunchenko, leading bibliographer of the Reference and Information Department, candidate of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. The representatives of the National Library made scientific presentations on the book history of Belarus, rare books and manuscripts kept in the library's collections and projects on their preservation and promotion.

The Program of the 5th International Scientific Conference “Berkov’s Readings. Book Culture in the Context of International Contacts”

Bibliology Research Department
