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Poetry Skyline of Alies Kasko

Poetry Skyline of Alies Kasko
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An exhibition "Poetry Skyline of Ales Kasko" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the poet's birth is held in the Belarusian Literature Reading Room (room 205) from November 17, 2021 to January 4, 2022.

Alies Kasko is a poet of the philosophical-intellectual movement of Belarusian poetry. Books of poems, short stories and diary entries are the fruits of his efforts. His first book of poetry, "Skraznaja Linija (Continuous Line)", is imbued with love for the nature of his native land and anxiety about its future. Kasko revealed himself as a poet-citizen with his poetry collection "The Time of Presence." His other books of poetry include "45: Poems", "Overturned Sky", "Getting Closer", "Three Rings"(co-authored) and "Boundary Signs". With his book of poems "Nothing More", Alies Kasko established himself as a literary translator from Macedonian, Polish, German and Ukrainian. The latest collection of selected poetry, "The Roundabout", contains poems reflecting on the past and what has been experienced.

Alies Kasko also wrote for children. He published a book of folk fairy tales he collected and recorded in the Brest region, "The Uncleanis Afraid of the Pure", as well as a book of poems, "Two Suns".

Alies Kasko is the author of the prefaces to a number of poetry collections from the Brest region: by Alies Paplauski, Mikalaj Prakapovich, Lieanid Valasiuk and others.

The exhibition features poetry collections by Alies Kasko, journals containing his poetry, editions by him and with his own prefaces, materials about the poet's life and work.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the library’s opening hours.
Admission is by the library card or by the Social and Cultural Centre ticket.

The books presented at the exhibition can be ordered through the electronic catalogue of the National Library of Belarus.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 27 16.

Special Collections Service Department.


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Art exhibitions