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Honoured Pianist of Belarus

Honoured Pianist of Belarus
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June 9 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Tamara Vartanovna Miansarova (1913-1990), pianist, Honoured Artist of Belarus, who made a significant contribution to the Belarusian musical performing arts.

Tamara Vartanovna Miansarova was born in Russia. She has been engaged in music since childhood, at the age of twelve she became an accompanist of a dance studio. She studied at the Stavropol Music College and at the same time worked in a ballet studio, a drama theater, and a small cinema orchestra. After studying, she became an accompanist on the radio in Ivanovo (Russia). From 1932 to 1944, she was the chief concertmaster of the Yerevan Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1937, she graduated from the Piano Faculty of the Yerevan Conservatory.

Tamara Miansarova studied musical parts for the first productions of the Armenian national operas "Almast" by A. Spendiarov, "Anush" by A. Tigranyan, "Lusobatsin" by A. Stepanyan, "Arshak II" by T. Chuhajan, the first Armenian ballet "Happiness" by A. Khachaturian. In addition, the concertmaster worked on parts from the world-famous classical operas "Cio-Cio-San", "Faust", "The Barber of Seville", etc. Tamara Vartanovna had the opportunity to work with world-famous singers–A. Danielyan, Z. Dolukhanova, P. Lisitsian.

During the Great Patriotic War, the pianist became friends with Belarusian artists who were being evacuated at that time. After the liberation of Belarus, she came to Minsk and devoted many years to the difficult but very interesting work of an accompanist – first at the State Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the BSSR (1944-1948), then at the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting (until 1985). During this time, she played thousands of concerts, made many recordings for the Belarusian television library and the radio. Thanks to her skill, the best examples of Belarusian opera art have received stage and concert life: "Alesya" by E. Tikotsky, "Kastus Kalinovsky" by D. Lucas, "Marinka" and "Masheka" by G. Pukst, "Andrey Kostenya" by N. Aladov, "The Terrible Courtyard" by S. Monyushko, etc.


Tamara Miansarova was a talented creator, her endless dedication and love of music deserve high recognition. In 1966, the famous pianist received the honorary title of Honoured Artist of the BSSR. Tamara Vartanovna could always tell which works to include in the concert program, how best to make a piano part than to enrich and expand the repertoire. Such outstanding Belarusian vocalists as L. Alekseeva, T. Nizhnikova, N. Tkachenko, T. Shishko, M. Denisov, V. Glushakov, instrumentalists A. Ostrometskiy, L. Gorelik, N. Shmelkin, etc. In each performance, the concertmaster's creative handwriting and her professionalism were felt.


A great pianist, an experienced accompanist, a musician with a fine artistic taste, Tamara Miansarova was a true connoisseur of Belarusian musical art. She actively promoted the music of Belarusian composers, and was often the first performer of their works.

Information about T.V. Miansarova can also be found in online encyclopedia "Belarus in persons and events", the bibliography on her sound recording is contained in the electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus.

The material was prepared by the Research Department of Bibliography.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions