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The role of libraries in promoting the book and reading

The role of libraries in promoting the book and reading
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On June 28–29, the employees of the National Library took part in a workshop “The role of libraries in promoting the book and reading” which was held at the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin.

The event was provided by the National Library of Belarus and the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin.

The programme included the following presentations:

  • Marina Rafeeva, the Director of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    The Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin as the center of keeping and promotion of local culture of the Gomel Region
  • Svetlana Shipilova, the Head of the Rare book department of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    Promotion of book artifacts in the Rare Book Museum of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
  • Nina Konovalova, the Head of the Local history department of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    The wisdom and talent of our homeland: a tour of the museum exposition devoted to the national writer-fellow (А. Makaenak, І. Samiakin, І. Melezh, І. Naumenko)
  • Oleg Ananiev, the Deputy Director of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    Exhibition activities of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
  • Natalia Nikitina, the Head of section of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    Support and development of the reader's environment through new forms of work with children
  • Olga Horsun, the Head of section of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin
    Library service to pupils in the grades 6 – 9
  • Tatiana Sapiego, the Head of section at the Book Science Department of the National Library of Belarus
    The project “On a Visit to the Book” of the National Library of Belarus: the concept, relevance and tasks
  • Tatiana Sapiego, the Head of section at the Book Science Department of the National Library of Belarus, Irina Yudina, the bibliographer at the Book Science Department of the National Library of Belarus
    The series “Classes in the Book Museum” of the National Library of Belarus as a promising area of cooperation with schools

After the theoretical part, the employees of the Gomel Regional Library and the National Library of Belarus held master classes. This form of methodical work is an effective way to exchange experience, as it allows showing the original methods with an active participation of all class attendees.

The employees of the National Library of Belarus prepared a master-class for the attendees, and also held classes for schoolchildren dedicated to the Belarusian first printer Francysk Skaryna. During the master class the experts showed what techniques they used when working with children at the classes “On a Visit to the Book”.

The experts of the department for serving pupils in the grades 1–5 of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V.I. Lenin, in their turn, held a master-class for junior pupils "Traditional toys" during which they presented the educational techniques used in working with children at the local children’s club.


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