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The opening of the exhibition of graphic arts "Art-Line"

The opening of the exhibition of graphic arts "Art-Line"
Other news

On 12 November, at 5 p.m., the opening of the 6th Minsk international exhibition of graphic arts "Art-Line" will take place in the gallery Labyrinth (3rd floor).

This year’s "Art-Line" is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of etching (metal engraving). It is a technique that was used by Charles Marion, a classic of the French engravings of the 19th century. Victor Hugo, Baudelaire and Van Gogh admired his works.

A collection of original etchings by the master will be available in the gallery Atrium. In addition, the audience will be able to enjoy a collection of etchings from different European countries of the 18th – 20th centuries as well as a book exhibition "Color in Black and White" dedicated to the 500th anniversary of etching.

A section of modern art works will display works of artists from Belarus, Russia and Poland which have been performed in various techniques – from etching to digital graphics. Along with the works of experienced graphic artists the exposition will include works of young graphic artists from the funds of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.

The exhibition will run until 17 December, 2013.

Telephone: (+375 17) 293 27 56.


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1 Jun 2024

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Art exhibitions