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The clear trace
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“The clear trace” of Maxim Bogdanovich: the poet’s 125th anniversary celebrations at the National Library

“The clear trace”  of Maxim Bogdanovich: the poet’s 125th anniversary celebrations at the National Library
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The exhibition “The clear trace” officially opened on November 22nd, in the gallery “Labyrinth”. The event providers are the National Library of Belarus and the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus.

The director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulsky said in the greeting speech that the exhibition "The clear trace” was a contribution of the library employees who had made Bogdanovich’s star shine brighter, not letting it fade even after a century. He referred to the work of A. Schlegel The Wreath of Sonnets, which decorates the circular hall on the second floor of the library and embodies the creative legacy of the young classic of Belarusian literature. "Have a nice meeting with Bogdanovich!" Roman Motulsky wished to the guests of the exhibition. "Joint anniversary celebrations with the National Library of Belarus have become a good tradition”, the director of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Kurash said. “And here is another pleasant event, the 125th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Bogdanovich. Short was his way of life, but it was very rich and fruitful ".

The head of the Literary Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich Marina Zapartyka told about preparations for the anniversary of the poet in the museum, and invited all those present to visit the new festive exposition. During the opening of the exhibition Maxim Bogdanovich sounded not only in Belarusian, but also in French. The head of Information and analytical department of the National Library of Belarus Lyudmila Gorbacheva read an excerpt of the poem Slutsk Weavers in French. She also presented a new electronic "gift" from the National Library to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Bogdanovich: a CD containing more than 2500 bibliographic records, 250 digitized full texts, more than 60 photographs and even fragments of films.

The exposition introduced guests of the event to publications of 1907–1917, archival materials and books about the Belarusian poet’s life and writing.

The exhibition is located in the Book Museum (room 347) and in the circular corridor on the 2nd floor.

Furthermore, quotations from the works of Maxim Bogdanovich will appear on the building of the National Library until 31 December, 2016, that will be another nice moment of the anniversary celebrations. You will be able to read the poet’s statements on the electronic light board, from the evening until midnight. By the way, the evening was the poet’s favorite time of the day. The evening attracted him with a muffled sound, shimmering colors and everything that focused a person on the essential in life.

In the evening, walking near the National Library, you will be able to share the poet’s philosophical judgment and obtain cultural promises from Maxim Bogdanovich, which came down to us through the centuries. Just break away from your iPhones and give a look at the "diamond" of light!



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