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The church hierarch Filaret visited National Library of Belarus

The church hierarch Filaret visited National Library of Belarus
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On March 29, 2008, Filaret, the Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus visited National Library of Belarus. The church hierarch visited the Museum of a Book and the exhibition “Educator from Ostrozhsky family”, and was acquainted with CD-ROM “The Slutsk Gospel – Belarusian manuscript of the XVI-th century”.

The exhibition “Educator from Ostrozhsky family” is timed to the 400-th anniversary of Konstantin Basil Ostrozhsky (1524-1608), the Great Duchy of Lithuania cultural worker and public figure, and the 430-th anniversary of the foundation of the Ostrozhskaya printing house.

At the exhibition are displayed materials published in the late XIX-th – early XX-th centuries and dedicated to the history of Ostrozhsky family, and incunabula in Cyrillic by Ostrozhskaya and other Ukrainian printing-houses in the ХVI–XVIII-th centuries.

The most precious is the Ostrozhskaya Bible published in 1581, the first Bible translated into Church Slavonic language. This is a spiritual treasure of Orthodox and Slavonic world.

The Slutsk Gospel of the ХVI-th century is one of Belarusian national Orthodox relics. With the support of Filaret, the Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus was developed CD-ROM “The Slutsk Gospel – Belarusian manuscript of the XVI-th century” containing a full text electronic copy, transliteration, and linguistic analysis of the manuscript. National Library of Belarus initiated the development of an electronic copy of the Slutsk Gospel. In 2004–2006 Y.Kolas Institute of Linguistics and National Academy of Sciences of Belarus performed a research of the monument. The unique monument of the ХVI-th century is now available to readers.

During the visit the Metropolitan Filaret wrote his entry to the Guests of Honour’s Book.



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions