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Summary of I Minsk international digital art festival “Terra Nova”

Summary of I Minsk international digital art festival “Terra Nova”
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On October 20th, 2009, in the gallery “Labyrinth” of National Library of Belarus took place the closing ceremony of the I Minsk international digital art festival “Terra Nova”.

The competent jury evaluated the results and announced winners of the contest in which had participated authors of works presented at the Festival. The winners received prizes “Digital painting”, “Digital photo”, “Short meter”, “Music video”, “Computer graphics”, “Video art”, “Trailer” and “Animation”.

Winners of the Diplomas of the 1st degree:

  • in nomination “Digital painting” – L. Kulik (Russia);
  • in nomination “Music video” – G. Buto (Belarus);
  • in nomination “Digital photo” – А. Savich (Belarus);
  • in nomination “Computer graphics” – М. Каsemaa (Estonia);
  • in nomination “Video art” – А. Savich (Belarus);
  • in nomination “Animation” – М. Тumelia (Belarus);
  • in nomination “Trailer”– N. Zinkevich (Belarus).

Artists I. Sidorchik (Belarus) and Y. Chukhno (Belarus) won the Diplomas of the 2nd degree in nomination “Short meter”.

The closing ceremony of the festival was preceded with a round table in which had participated members of the jury and the organizing committee of the festival: F. Yastreb, the main curator of the festival, head of the gallery and exhibition department of National Library of Belarus, chairman of the International Guild of Painters; I. Petrovich, the vice-president of the Photoart Company; V. Maksimkov, the producer, film director, curator of the forum "Kinovarka”; Y. Tareev, the book designer, professor of Belarusian State Academy of Arts; A. Shcepetov, the designer, professor of Belarusian State Academy of Arts; V. Vedrenko, the photographer, member of the commission of experts Photoart; A. Lenkin, the director-animator, and A. Kuchmarev, the director of the Dobermanfilm Company.

Representatives of mass-media participated in the event. Participants of the round table discussed the prospects of development of the digital art and development strategies of the festival.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions