MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
The Mother Tongue Constitution: excerpts from the fundamental laws of 27 countries were read out in the library
Unique Manuscript by Mikhail Mickiewicz, Brother of Yakub Kolas

Speak with Me in Belarusian...

Speak with Me in Belarusian...
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Every year, on February 21, the world community celebrates the International Mother Language Day. The National Library is one of those institutions that are called upon to preserve the Belarusian cultural heritage.

Traditionally, the country’s main socio-cultural and information center holds thematic events dedicated to the mother language.

This day, the library’s outdoor light board shows the quotations of Belarusian classics and original Belarusian words such as, for example, bagouka, ustsyazh or krynichyts. For those who decide to check their assumptions, the meanings of words will be posted on the library’s blogs and social media. The motto of the action is: Neither the Axe nor the Time Can Crush the Living Word, a quote from the Belarusian classic Yakub Kolas.

On the International Mother Language Day, his granddaughter, Maria Mitskevich, arrived at the library. She brought a unique manuscript – the Gospel translation into the Belarusian language made by Michael Mickiewicz, Yakub Kolas’ younger brother. Only one day, the rarity is on display in the Book Museum.


The Mother Tongue, the People’s Living Soul exhibition runs until March 17, the documents of international organizations hall (207g). The exhibits reflect the tremendous efforts of the governments, United Nations agencies and civil society organizations to preserve, respect, encourage and protect languages.


Students of gymnasium No. 14, secondary school No. 44 named after Yakub Kolas and secondary school No. 140 made teaching tours Outstanding People of the Motherland, focused on the life and work of Francysk Skaryna and Yakub Kolas.


On the International Mother Language Day, the library joined a creative project: our employees became the Mark Formelle models. The brand presented a limited collection #МоваГэтаСтылёва (Language Is Stylish) on February 21. Designers have tried to reflect the features of the Belarusian language that we know from school: Дз, Дж, Ў, I, Жы, Шы.

Have a nice International Mother Language Day!

Let the songs of the native speech sound sweeter, and kind words in Belarusian inspire you to development and self-knowledge, helping to create useful and interesting things.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions