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Seminar and cultural-educational action were held

Seminar and cultural-educational action were held
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On 23 April, a number of activities timed to World Book and Copyright Day and World Intellectual Property Day took place in the National Library of Belarus.

In the Press Center of the National Library a training seminar "Copyright and related rights: peculiarities of the use in libraries’ activities of the Republic of Belarus". Specialists of the National Center of Intellectual Property discussed the peculiarities of the use of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on Copyright and Related Rights in libraries’ activities, the problems of functioning of the system of collective management of copyright and related rights, issues appearing in daily activities and information institutions.

Director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulsky sounded a welcoming speech to guests. According to him, the problems associated with copyright concern all humanity. In particular, the most important of them is the inaccessibility of information. "Most people understand necessity that the information to be available to all," said the Director. His speech was about the values that should become public domain, but they remained available to certain persons because of legal aspects of copyrighted works.

CEO of the National Center of Intellectual Property Piotr Brovkin gifted to the staff of the National Library in the person of its Director. It was an honorary diploma of the National Center of Intellectual Property given for significant contribution to the formation and realization of the state policy in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual property.

After the seminar, a cultural-educational action "Music. Epoch. Heritage" dedicated to the creative heritage of the Belarusian composer, founder of the Belarusian national school of composition Anatoly Bogatyrev took place in the gallery "Labyrinth".

At the event, the guests were able to get acquainted with the life and work of the famous Belarusian composer, to listen to his song performed by students of the Minsk State Musical College named after Glinka. On the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Commission of Belarus for UNESCO Inna Vasilevskaya gave a speech. Director of the Vitebsk Regional Library Alexander Syomkin and artistic director of the Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic Hall Nelly Matsaberidze told interesting facts about the life and work of Anatoly Bogatyrev and how preserved the memory of the composer in his Homeland – the city of Vitebsk.

The keeper of Anatoly Bogatyrev’s musical heritage Elena Solomakho shared memories about the composer. Thanks to her, the stacks of the National Library of Belarus have been replenished with Bogatyrev’s unique handwritten music scores that allow everyone to touch the great composer’s creative legacy.

During the event the guests saw a book exhibition "Anatoly Bogatyrev (1913–2003). Personality. Composer. Teacher". This exposition displays Anatoly Bogatyrev’s unique manuscripts, literature devoted to the composer and other materials concerning to his work.

Bogatyrev’s works belong to the "golden fund" of the Belarusian music. Creative, educational and social activities of the composer made an important contribution to the treasury of the national culture of Belarus. The National Library of Belarus holds more than 200 works by Anatoly Bogatyrev. Manuscripts of the author’s notes are the most valuable. To preserve and provide public access to unique materials, the National Library of Belarus digitized them and placed in an electronic library.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions