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Round table to the 500th anniversary of book printing

Round table to the 500th anniversary of book printing
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On June 6, the National Library of Belarus hosted the round table "The 500th anniversary of the Belarusian and East Slavonic printing. Francysk Skarina and Simeon of Polotsk”.

The round table was attended by the State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota; the Director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulsky; the Acting Director General of the Russian State Library Vladimir Gnezdilov; the Director of the Branch Institute of Literary Studies named after Yanka Kupala at the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the NAS of Belarus Ivan Saverchenko; the Deputy Director for the scientific-methodical work of the National Institute of Education at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Valentin Ginchuk; the archpriest, rector of the All Saints parish in Minsk Fedor Povny, and also heads and deputy heads of Permanent commissions of the Council and the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, representatives of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, Rossotrudnichestvo Office in the Republic of Belarus, the House of the Russian Diaspora named after A. Solzhenitsyn, heads of publishing houses, officials of the Union State Permanent Committee and the National Library of Belarus.

Participants of the meeting discussed the activities of cultural institutions aimed at preparing and holding the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian and East Slavonic printing; educational book publishing in Belarus and its traditions; the role of the Belarusian printing in state development and humanitarian component within the framework of the Union State and targeted programmes; the spiritual value of the book; the joint programme of Belarus and Russia timed to the 500th anniversary of book printing in Belarus; the facsimile reproduction of the book heritage of Francysk Skaryna, as well as the legacy of Francysk Skaryna and Simeon of Polotsk in the fate of the Slavic peoples and a number of other important aspects of the cultural development of society.

They also noted the importance of preserving and developing the book traditions of our predecessors and proposed to strengthen cooperation between various agencies of Belarus and Russia in the field of identification, preservation and sharing of the common book heritage, that is especially important on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian and East Slavonic printing.

As part of the event, the National Library prepared an exhibition of its projects aimed at preserving the book heritage of Belarus. It presented the 11-volume facsimile edition Кніжная спадчына Францыска Скарыны (The Book Heritage of Francysk Skaryna), Тураўскае Евангелле (The Turau Gospel), Баркалабаўскі летапіс (The Barkalabau Chronicle), Жыціе блажэннай Евфрасініі… (The Life of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk), Симеон Полоцкий. Жезл Правления (Simeon of Polotsk. Rod of Government, Святое Евангелие. Слуцк, 1582 (The Saint Gospel. Slutsk, 1582), Буквар мовы славянскай (The Slavic Language Primer), Калядная писанка. 1913 год (The Painted Easter Egg. 1913).

At the end of the event the guests of honor visited the Book Museum of the National Library of Belarus.



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