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Project "On a Visit to the Books" in Polotsk

Project "On a Visit to the Books" in Polotsk
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On March 24th, within the bounds of the cultural and educational project "On a Visit to the Books", thematic classes for pupils in grades 1–3 were held in Polotsk State Gymnasium No. 1 named after F. Skaryna.

The organizers of the event are the National Library of Belarus, the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve in Polotsk, and Polotsk State Gymnasium No. 1 named after F. Skaryna.

The head of section of the National Library of Belarus Tacciana Sapieha held classes on the Belarusian and East Slavic first printer Francysk Skaryna. The classes included a presentation and a fascinating story of the life and work of the first Belarusian printer, with the use of active and interactive methods provided for creative tasks. Pupils and teachers got acquainted with a facsimile edition of The Book Heritage of Francysk Skaryna which is designed to introduce the general public to the educator’s books stored in different countries.

Summing up the classes, the director of the gymnasium Larysa Ulasievič and the deputy director Tacciana Radzišeǔskaja paid special attention to the expansion of close artistic ties between the library and the gymnasium for the promotion of Francysk Skaryna’s heritage.

Within the framework of the cultural and educational project "On a Visit to the Books", it is planned to organize thematic classes on the first Belarusian printer. They contribute to the awareness of the role of Francysk Skaryna in the development of national culture, being extremely important and relevant on the eve of the 500th anniversary of Belarusian book printing, which will be celebrated in 2017.

The aim of the project "On a Visit to the Books" is to awaken interest to books, promote Belarusian book heritage and inculcate in children a pride for the achievements and rich tradition of our national book culture. The project is carried out in the form of cultural-educational classes for children.


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