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Presentation of <em>The Book Heritage of Belarus</em>

Presentation of <em>The Book Heritage of Belarus</em>
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On 28 October, the presentation of the album The Book Heritage of Belarus was held in the Library.

The release of this edition is the result of joint work of publishing houses Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovka and the National Library of Belarus. The project has been realized to the Belarusian Written Language Day by request and with the financial support of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus.

"It has already become a good tradition that the publishing house Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovka organizes presentations of their books in our Library. When the idea to make this album about the book heritage of Belarus appeared, it was obvious that we needed to work with this publishing house. Now we have a very unusual encyclopedia, a treasury with our spiritual heritage," said Director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulsky during the presentation. The Director stressed that the project was just the beginning that had laid the basis for the realization of the idea on the returning of the book heritage of the Belarusian land by creating a facsimile copies of rarities.

"In recent years, we have been doing much in order to return the book heritage. On the eve of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian publishing the release of this edition is more than urgent," said Deputy Director for Research and Publishing Activities of the National Library of Belarus Alexander Susha.

Larissa Yazykovich, Chief Editor of the publishing house Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki introduced the guests with the very edition. The album is made in three languages (Belarusian, Russian and English) and contains a lot of professional pictures. The folio includes 416 pages of the text prepared by workers of the National Library of Belarus. The compiler of the edition is A. Susha, the preface to the book is written by R. Motulsky.

A great number of the best examples of the national book heritage from the funds of the National Library of Belarus have been gathered in one album for the first time. Among them are manuscripts and early printed books, editions about Belarus, rare and valuable books, maps and graphic editions, as well as books from reputed book collections.

At the event, the guests enjoyed music performed by Tuteyshaya Shlyakhta, a creative team of the Belarusian State University.



Happiness to see

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