MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
The "Famous Names of Motherland" Excursion for Participants of the Conference of Pedagogical Staff of Minsk Region
100 Year-Old History of the State Control of Belarus on the Pages of Rare Newspapers from the Collections of the National Library

National Library of Belarus Collections Are Completed with Romanian Classics

National Library of Belarus Collections Are Completed with Romanian Classics
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Viorel Mosanu, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Belarus, has visited the National Library on August 20 within the framework of the working visit.

During the meeting, the collection of books, including a collection of the classic of Romanian poetry Mihai Eminescu translated into Belarusian, books about the work of the famous Romanian sculptor Konstantin Brancusi, published by the Center for the Study and Popularization of His Creativity, musical notebooks of the Romanian composer George Enescu, works of classical and modern authors, published in foreign languages ​​in the publishing house of the Institute of Romanian Culture, albums with reproductions of works by Romanian artists, dictionaries were delivered to the Library.

Roman Motulsky, Director of the National Library, accepted this valuable gift with appreciation, adding that the donated books will hold a valuable place in the library's funds.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions