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We invite you to the creative lesson "Penguin"
Museum lesson "Manuscript"

Museum lesson "Manuscript"

Museum lesson "Manuscript"
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On January 23, the "The Book Professors Club" hosted a museum lesson "Manuscript".

In ancient times, the book was not at all like the modern one. In the Book Museum, the participants got acquainted with the basic forms and materials of the book, types of writing, as well as with the peculiarities of the artistic design of manuscripts.

In the exposition, young researchers saw original handwritten books and leafed through facsimile editions of the first Russian handwritten monuments.

Is the work of a manuscript hard? What and on what did they write in the old days? These and other questions were answered by curious visitors.

Children created their own unique pen and "turned" into manuscripts.

The next "Facsimile" lesson will take place on January 30th.

Bibliology Research Department
