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Information Resources for the Scientific Community “Operative”

Information Resources for the Scientific Community “Operative”
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On February 28, 2024, the National Library of Belarus was visited by employees of the Department of Tactical and Special Training and cadets of the tactical and special training section of the scientific community "Operative", within the framework of bilateral cooperation between the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the main library of the country.

The defenders of Belarus studied algorithms for searching information on the basics of tactical, special and professionally applied physical training, problems of combating crime and training personnel for law enforcement agencies, shooting, combat work and fire control, history and theory of state and law, criminology and other academic disciplines of the socio-humanitarian complex.

The staff of the Department of Tactical and Special training paid great attention to materials that contribute to the formation of high moral, psychological, physical, professional qualities and the development of service and combat skills based on them, the ability to perform combat missions in extreme conditions.

Members of the Operative scientific community were interested in the selection of information sources for the preparation of publications and scientific papers for participation in scientific and practical conferences, international and university competitions. The main task of the research activities of future employees of the internal affairs bodies is to go beyond the curricular and plans in order to expand their professional horizons and prepare for subsequent master's degree studies.

The practical part also included work with bibliographic indexes on the history of Russian law of the XVIII–XIX centuries, theory and general history of state and law 19171978, scientific bibliographic and reference manuals "Dissertation research of Russian universities of the Russian Empire, RSFSR on theory and history of state and law; history of branches of law and legal science (1724-1991)" and the three-volume “Dissertation research of the Russian Federation on the theory and history of state and law; the history of branches of law and legal science (19922017)".

The staff of the legal information hall, which provides comprehensive services to users with legal information resources, familiarized with the contents of the subsidiary fund (over 30 thousand units) in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages. The audience's attention was focused on those resources of the National Library of Belarus that complement the educational potential of the library of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The funds of the National Library of Belarus contribute to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in handling various types of firearms, the use of special means and equipment, the organization and conduct of special operations by units of internal affairs bodies, the formation of ideas about military duty and loyalty to the Motherland, honor, courage, self-sacrifice, awareness of the value of peace, education of patriotic feelings.

The cadets and staff of the department also visited the exhibition of the propaganda poster "The Language of military illustration" (combat and portrait sketches, pocket-sized books for the front, satirical illustrations) dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.

During the lesson, such methodological techniques as an excursion, an information message, a presentation, and handouts for independent work were used. The students also got acquainted with the location of reading rooms, the department of literature distribution and the central auxiliary fund, catering and copying stations, exhibition galleries.

The topics of the training sessions of the National Library of Belarus on the formation of information culture of users are diverse: "Search for scientific information on the Internet", "Acquired databases", "Electronic resources created by the National Library", "Basics of search: catalogs, bibliography, reference publications", "Search for information on electronic and card catalogs", "Resources and library services: briefly about the main thing", "Design of a bibliography for scientific work", "How to use resources without leaving home".

You can order a lesson by phone: (+375 29) 293 27 39, E-mail:

The material was provided by the Department of Reference and Information Services.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions