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Children for Peace: The Children's Poetry Contest to Be Summed Up

Children for Peace: The Children's Poetry Contest to Be Summed Up
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The children's poetry contest "Happiness Is to Live in a Peaceful Country!" was summed up in the conference hall of the Library on September 18.

The organizers were the Belarusian Peace Foundation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus.

The pupils of institutions of general secondary, vocational and secondary specialized education took part in the contest. The best representatives of their districts, regions and the capital of the republic became the winners. During the event, the presentation of the poetry collection "Deti za mir" (Children for Peace) which included the work of the winning authors was held.

About four hundred people came to the National Library. Most of them were participants of the competition. The fact-finding tour around the library building. The heads of partner ministries, representatives of various religious denominations, heads of executive and legislative authorities, poets and writers have also visited the Library.

The solemn rewarding began with a video presentation of the history of the Belarusian Peace Foundation and the colorful performance of the "Khvilinka" show theater directed by Tatiana Panova.

The honored guests read the works they liked and gave gifts to their authors. Director of the National Library of Belarus Roman Motulsky congratulated young talents on their creative endeavors and read the poem "Lubimay Belarusi" (To Beloved Belarus) by Violetta Ruselevich, 7th grade pupil of the Dotishk secondary school of Voronovsky district. As a gift from the library's the girl was given a facsimile edition of the world's first book entitled "Bukvar" published 400 years ago.

The event was timed to the Day of Peace. Traditionally this holiday is celebrated in Belarus every third Tuesday of September.

See also the video on the TV-channel ONT, the BelTA's photo reportage and our photos:


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