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Trafficking in persons: new slavery in the global world

Trafficking in persons: new slavery in the global world
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The book exhibition “Trafficking in persons: new slavery in the global world” timed to the World Day against Trafficking in Persons runs in the Official documents department (room 207), from 13 July to 31 August.

This Day was proclaimed by the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on 18 December, 2013 (resolution A/RES/68/192), and since 2014 it has been observed annually on 30 July.

The purpose of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons is to attract the public attention to the problem of human trafficking and its consequences, the situation of victims of trafficking and protection of their rights.

Trafficking in persons is one of the most dangerous global challenges of our time and is considered as a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, about 2.5 million people are currently trapped in modern slavery.

In 2010 the General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, calling on the governments worldwide to take coordinated and consistent measures to defeat this evil. The plan calls for integrating the fight against human trafficking in the wider UN programmes in order to accelerate the development and to increase the level of security in the world.

Victims of trafficking who are fortunate enough to find freedom need assistance in the restoration of rights and finding their place in society. This problem is solved by the United Nations Trust Fund for the Victims of Human Trafficking. The Fund started working in July 2010, together with the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons. The Fund assists the States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in protecting and supporting victims, helping them to recover from the psychological and physical trauma.

The Republic of Belarus, the first in the post-Soviet space, has launched a large-scale campaign to combat human trafficking. National measures to combat trafficking contributed to the fact that the fight against trafficking in persons has become one of the priorities of Belarus on the international arena. Belarus’ activity in this area, supported by a number of effective measures at the national level, has allowed the country to win the internationally recognized reputation as a leader of combating trafficking.

Documents on display reveal various aspects of the modern slavery and acquaint with the studies of the phenomenon of human trafficking.

The offered exhibition includes the thematic sections as follows:

  • Trafficking in persons: history and presents day.
  • International cooperation to combat trafficking in persons.
  • Compensation for damage to victims of trafficking in persons.
  • The international legal framework for combating trafficking in persons.
  • Belarus against trafficking.

About 100 documents in Russian, English, French and German are on display. Most of the exposition are documents of international organizations: books, brochures, mimeographed documents, periodicals.

The exhibition is designed for employees of the investigative and operational units of law enforcement bodies, psychologists, social workers, judges, lawyers, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the legal profile, as well as all who are interested in anti-trafficking efforts.

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