MainNewsBook exhibitions
Photo exhibition “Landscapes of Belarus
To the Fatherland’s glory

Till my soul bleeds…

Till my soul bleeds…
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From February 17th to March 31st, a book exhibition “Till my soul bleeds…” timed to the 80th birth anniversary of Rygor Borodulin runs in the Belarusian literature reading room (auditorium 205).

Rygor Borodulin is one of the most prominent and brilliant figures in Belarusian poetry, a lyricist, publicist, essayist and a skilled critic, translator, people’s poet of Belarus (1992), winner of the State Prize of Belarus named after Yanka Kupala (1976), honorable doctor of the Belarusian State University, and the Nobel Prize nominee in literature (2006).

The poet’s creativity of is remarkable for a variety of genres and figurative and stylistic means, a bright metaphoricity, a subtle psychologism and the riches of a language palette. The treasures of oral folklore he knew form the childhood had become a fertile field on which Rygor Borodulin’s creative individuality germinated and blossomed. Belarusian writer and literary critic Vladimir Naumovich called him “a flamboyant poet able to surprise the audience”.

The offered exhibition acquaints with Rygor Borodulin’s literary heritage, from his debut book Maladzik nad stepam (The Crescent over Steppe), 1959 to his final U neba pehatoyu. Aposhniya vershy (To the Heavens Afoot. The Last Verses), 2014. Collections of satirical and comic verses, books for children, epigrams and friendly jests, books of essays and memoirs and numerous articles are also on display.

The exhibition futures a number of music editions. The poetry of Rygor Borodulin inspired Belarusian composers А. Komocky, G. Vagner, I. Luchenok, Е. Glebov, N. Nosko, D. Smolsky, М. Houhlyancev, N. Petrenko, I. Palivoda, I. Hodosko, Е. Petrashevich, S. Bugasov and others.

A special exhibition section presents translations from various authors made by the poet. Thanks to Rygor Borodulin many works of the world classics began to sound in the Belarusian language: F. Garcia Lorca, G. Mistraille, G. Mistral, G. Byron, B. Brecht, P. Neruda, N. Guillen, S. Neris, J. Rainis, О. Khayyam, S. Esenin, А. Voznesensky, A. Mickiewicz and others. Verses by Rygor Borodulin translated into dozens of languages are also on display.

Also the exhibition includes a set of specially selected materials about the poet’s life and creative career: encyclopedic and reference editions, numerous articles in books and periodicals.

Contact telephone: (375 17) 293 27 16.



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions