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The maturity of a research thought

The maturity of a research thought
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An exhibition “The maturity of a research thought” takes place in the hall of Belarusian literature (room 205) from 19 July to 15 August. It is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vyacheslav Chemeritskiy.

He is a literary critic, translator and the winner of the state premium of Belarus. He researches a written heritage of Belarus from the times of Rogneda of Polotsk down to XVIII century. His style can be characterized by the accuracy of arguments, the persuasiveness of conclusions and by simple, expressive, brief and conclusive way of writing. He made an important contribution to the research of Belarusian chronicle.

His basic works are presented in the first section of the exhibition “Fascinated by Belarusian chronicles”. It includes the monography “Беларускія летапісы як помнікі літаратуры” (1969), the book “Францыск Скарына” (in the co-authorship with Galenchenko and Shmatov), published in French and English languages (1979, 1980), and also the work “Беларускі тытан эпохі Адраджэння” (1990), devoted to the 500th anniversary from the Francysk Skoryna’s birth. Vyacheslav Chemeritskiy is one of authors of collective works “Гісторыя беларускай дакастрычніцкай літаратуры” (1968, v. 1), “История белорусской дооктябрьской литературы” (1977), “История всемирной литературы” (1985, v. 3; 1987, v. 4) the book for institutes of higher education “Гісторыя беларускай літаратуры. Старажытны перыяд” (1985, 1996), “Анталогія даўняй беларускай літаратуры” (2003, 2005), etc.

An important part in the writer’s creativity belongs to translation. He acts as a populizer of the written heritage of the Belarusian people and as a translator of ancient literature into modern Belarusian language. His numerous translations from Old Ruthenian language and Old Belarusian language are demonstrated in the section of the exhibition “The mastery of the translator, editor and reviewer”. Vyacheslav Chemeritskiy took great interest in the publication of the collection «Поўны збор рускіх летапісаў» (v. 32, 35). He is the author of collections “Слова пра паход Ігаравы” (1986), “Сведкі беларускай мінуўшчыны” (1996), research editor and the author of the preface to «Беларускія летапісы і хронікі» (1997).

The publications about the creative development of the writer from encyclopedias, collections and magazines are represented in the section “The way of life and creativity”.

The exhibition is illustrated by photos of Chemeritskiy.

The exposition includes about 80 documents.

Contact phone numbers: (+375-17) 293-27-16.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions