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The best books of Belarus – 2016

The best books of Belarus – 2016
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From February 25th to April 20th, the exhibition “The best books of Belarus” summing up the 55th National competition “The Art of Book” runs in the National Library (in the circular corridor on the 3rd floor).

From 1960, the National competition “The Art of Book” traditionally summarizes the work of Belarusian book publishers. The purpose of the contest is to select the best projects carried out by Belarusian national publishing houses. The competition promotes artistic and printing art of the Belarusian book and popularizes the best publishing products.

The exposition presents books – participants of the contest, winners and laureates of the 1st and 2nd degrees. The highest award of the competition – The Grand Prix in nomination “Triumph” went to the book Владимир Мулявин. “Сэрцам і думамі”…: воспоминания, интервью, исследования (Vladimir Muliavin: memoirs, interviews, investigations). The publication includes some hundred pages and about 800 photos from the archives of the people’s artist’s family and friends. Rare documents, stories of the artist’s relatives and memoirs of Vladimir Muliavin’s friends make this book especially precious.

The photo album Завещание потомкам (The Testament to Descendants) by the Printing House named after J. Kolas became the best publication in nomination “The Victory” . In nomination “Eureka” , a diploma went to the book by A.M. Vialička Фалеристика Беларуси (Phalerisitics of Belarus) by the publishing house “Belarus” strong>.

Семейный фотоальбом Восточного партнерства (The Family Album of the Eastern Partnership was published by the company Riftur within the bounds of the Eastern Partnership programme “Culture”. It reflects the picturesque landscapes of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The publication won in nomination ”The Commonwealth” .

The nomionation ”In the mirror of time” represents publications about the history and current state of enterprises and institutions of Belarus. The winner’s diploma went to the publication Брестский железнодорожный вокзал. Между Западом и Востоком (The Brest Railway Station. Between the West and the East) by the Brest company “Poligarfika”.

In nomination ”LIT-format” won the book by Anatol Butevič Таямніцы Крэўскага замка (The Mysteries of the Kreva Castle) by the Publishing house “Zviazda”, which was presented in January 2016 at the National Library of Belarus.

In nomination ”The gold table” won the album of Siarhej Sierhačoǔ Народное зодчество Беларуси: история и современность (The People’s Architecture of Belarus: history and present day) by the publishing house “The Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Broǔka”; the album Alexander Kischenko: летописец XX столетия (Alexander Kischenko: the chronicler of the XX century) published by the house “Čatyry čverci”, in the series “The cuktural heritage of Belarus”, became the best in nomination ”ART-book” . In nomination ”Spirituality” won the photo album Дивная симфония (The Divine Symphony) published by the St. Euphrosyne nunnery in Polotsk. The six-volume publication Культура Беларуси (The Culture of Belarus) of the publishing house “The Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Broǔka received an award for the contribution to the safekeeping of book heritage. Also the best book designers are awarded: Alieh Lukaševič and Aliaksandr Aliakseeǔ , Anatol Kliaščuk won as the the best photographer .

Contact telephone: (+375 17) 293 28 86, 293 29 80.


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Art exhibitions