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“My native city, my love…”

“My native city, my love…”
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The National Library of Belarus congratulates citizens and guests of Minsk on the City Day and invites everyone to visit a festive book exhibition “My native city, my love…” from August 22 to October 6.

Minsk is the capital and the biggest city of the Republic of Belarus, which is among 273 largest cities in the world with the population of about 2 million people and occupies a prominent place among them.

Minsk is not only the political, cultural and economic centre of Belarus, but also the city of knowledge, capital of young generation. Within the framework of the Year of Youth more than 70 events and long-term actions were organized in Minsk: conferences, festivals, concerts, sports competitions by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. That’s why special attention at the exhibition is paid to the Belarusian youth organizations and movements, issues of education and upbringing of the young generation of Belarus, its participation in the life of the country and representation of the country in international sports competitions.

As far as the structure is concerned, the exhibition is divided into six sections.

The first section "Capital of the fairyland" includes book publications that introduce to visitors the capital-beauty, tell about its historical past and the modern state.

The publications in the "Industrial and business center of the country" section inform about the most significant enterprises of the city, international exhibitions and business forums.

The sections "The spiritual life of Minsk" and "The City of knowledge" include books about state theaters, museums, libraries and leading educational institutions of Minsk, and the publication about the activities of Minsk State Palace of Children and Youth.

Minsk appears as the sports capital of Belarus in the "City of health and high social standards" section. It shows the history of sport and the Olympic movement of the city, development of the social sphere. Special attention is paid to young athletes and participation of the younger generation in sports competitions.

The "Minsk is the capital of youth" section introduces books about the activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the development of the youth movement in Belarus, civil and patriotic education of the younger generation of the capital.

The exhibition, located on the 2nd floor of the circular corridor, includes about 150 publications.

Phone: (+375 17) 293 28 86, 293 29 80.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions