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How many are we? What are we?

How many are we? What are we?
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From 4th July to 13th August, the book exhibition How many are we? What are we? dedicated to the World Population Day runs in the Official documents division (room 207).

This Day is observed annually on 11th July by the decision of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP decision 89/46, paragraph 21). For the first time is celebrated in June 1987 and was devoted to the birth of the world’s 5 billionth baby.

The World Population Day is called to draw the attention of society to the questions of population, development programs, and search for a solution of demographic problems.

A prompt increase of population in the 20th century caused a serious anxiety of the world community. From the moment of creation of the United Nations Organization in 1945, the world’s population has increased more than three times and continues to grow. At present there are more than 7 billion people in the world, and the mankind faces higher and higher needs in the field of resources usage and serious problems in the achievement of developmental purposes coordinated at the international level.

Growth of the world’s population and industry in combination with irrational structures of consumption have become a heavy burden to the living potential of the Earth. These interacting processes influence the use of the atmosphere, and also land, water, energy and other resources.

Numerous crises – food, fuel and financial – cause significant problems and induce to the comprehension of the necessity to pay much more attention to basic elements of a sustainable development.

Understanding all the gravity of demographic problems, the United Nations Organization, the Council of Europe, the World Bank and other international organizations carry out a statistical and methodical activity in the field of population in many countries. As a result of a fruitful cooperation of various subdivisions of these organizations, national statistical bureaus are created, population censuses are held, and forecasts of population growth and dynamics of its change are made. The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is the leading international institution in the field of population assistance. As the largest source of population assistance financed at the international level, the UNFPA disposes of a quarter of all volume of assistance on the global scale. It supervises the operative activity of the UN system in the field of population assisting developing countries and countries with transitive economy in search for solution of their demographic problems. It assists governments in improvement of reproductive public health services and family planning on the basis of an individual choice and in the development of a policy in the field of population with the purpose of supporting the efforts in a sustainable development. It also promotes a better understanding of problems of population and helps governments to solve them in ways that best meet the needs of a concrete country. The Fund’s division works in the Republic of Belarus where a huge attention is paid to socially-demographic questions.

The exhibition offered to readers and visitors of the Library presents materials on demographic tendencies, estimations and forecasts in the field of population, world demographic statistics and population policy.

The exhibition offered to readers and visitors of the Library presents materials on demographic tendencies, estimations and forecasts in the field of population, world demographic statistics and population policy.

The exhibition includes the following thematic sections:

  • Activity of international organizations in the field of population. The UNFPA.
  • Population, environment, education and development.
  • Population growth and demographic trends: the world statistics.
  • Demographic situation, human and social resources in the Republic of Belarus.

The exposition includes about 100 documents: books, brochures, periodicals, mimeographed materials. Most part of the exhibition are documents of international organizations in Russian, French, German and English languages.

The exhibition will be interesting to university professors, students and post-graduates, research workers, specialists in demography, sociologists, employees of state bodies, and also everyone who is interested in socially-demographic and social and economic problems.

Contact phone number: (+375 17) 293 28 68.

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Art exhibitions