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Exhibition dedicated to the Day of Slavonic Written Language

Exhibition dedicated to the Day of Slavonic Written Language
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From May 21, 2009 to June 30 in the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, circular hall) is open a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of Slavonic Written Language and Culture (May 24).

The exposition is composed of 4 sections and includes materials of international scientific conferences dedicated to national Slavonic studies, books on history of the Slavs and Slavonic written culture, biography of founders of Slavonic written language St. Cyril and St. Methodius and their apprentice and companion Clement Okhridsky, catalogs of incunabula in different libraries including National Library of Belarus, books on the history of Slavonic parent language, dead and living Slavonic languages, selected works by Belarusian and foreign authors on ethnolinguistics, traditional spiritual culture of the Slavs etc.

Contact: +375 17 293-28-86.

Useful links:

Moscow House of Nationalities
State Academy of Slavonic Culture
International Slavonic Academy
International Slavonic Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Linguistics
Chair of Theoretical and Slavonic Linguistics (Belarusian State University)
Official portal of Belarusian Orthodox Church
St. Methodius and St. Cyril Institute of Theology (Belarusian State University)
International union “St. Methodius and St. Cyril Christian Educational Center”
Moscow Patriarchy Belarusian Exarchate


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions