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On February 28, 2008, within the framework of events dedicated to the Memorial Day of Konstantin Ostrozhsky, the Great Duchy of Lithuania cultural worker and public figure, and the 430-th anniversary of the foundation of Ostrozhskaya printing-house, a book exhibition “Educator from Ostrozhsky family” has been opened at the National Library of Belarus.

Ostrozhskaya Bible published by Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky’s printing-house is the most valuable treasure displayed at the exhibition. This is the first and the best translation of the Bible texts into Church Slavonic language. Prince Ostrozhsky aspired to make the Bible texts understandable to all and at the same time preserve their authenticity as mush as possibly.   

The exhibition presents the fpublications by Ostrozhskaya printing-house as follow: “On the Single True and Orthodox Confession” (1588), “A Remedy for Human Intension” (1607), “Apocrysis”(1597), “Margaret”(1595), “Psalter” (1598). At the exhibition are as well displayed incunabula published in the main Ukrainian book-printing centers: Lvov, Kiev, and Chernigov.

Contemporaries revere Konstantin Ostrozhsky’s memory. In Poland was established Konstantin Ostrozhsky fund. Every year Orthodox religious figures are awarded with a medal and Konstantin Ostrozhsky Prize for contribution into national and spiritual renaissance.  

Exhibition “Educator from Ostrozhsky Family” is open until May 2008.

Contact: (8017)293-27-67; e-mail:



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions