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Mikhail Borzdyko's exhibition

Mikhail Borzdyko's exhibition
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On 27 March, the exhibition of book and easel graphics of the Belarusian artist Mikhail Borzdyko runs in the gallery "Panorama" (22nd floor).

Mikhail Borzdyko was born in 1944 in Vitebsk region. His creativity is characterized by a combination of traditional folk motifs in modern style and philosophical understanding of life in lyrical interpretation.

When he creates his works, the artist does not invent graphic plots, but only directs and controls that psychologically-ethical fusion that occurs in his philosophical and artistic imagination, into the necessary graphic course, where there is space for conscious and spontaneous, intuitive and rational.

His works are kept in museums of Belarus, Hungary, the USA, Italy, Russia and France. At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2005 the book Netry (The Core) which had been illustrated by him was shortlisted among 100 best books of the world, and the book Palyn. Charnobyl (Wormwood. Chernobyl) (2006) won the Gold Medal at the International Competition in Belgium. In addition, the artist marked by the Silver Medal of the European Academy of Arts (1992) and the Gold Medal of the International competition schedules in Belgium (1993).

The entrance to the exhibition is requiring payment, and the cost is equal to the visiting of the Library’s Observation Platform.

Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 56.



Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions